Chirurgical operation of Patrice Sawadogo in India

Patrice_Sawadogo_Rayimwende_2Greetings from Bangalore   Message sent on Saturday, April 13, 2013
I am very glad to inform you that I had a nice and safe trip to Bangalore. The confreres Sabu and Binu and the students are really treating me well. I feel very much at home here. There is a huge amount of people here, never seen in my lifetime. But they are friendly and welcoming. I feel very much in security…
I said mass in French on last Sunday for the African community residing here in Bangalore. They are mostly students from Ivory Coast, Cameroun, Togo, and Kenya.
I was able to meet the doctor last Monday. I completed the medical checkup yesterday. I will be admitted at the hospital next Monday in the afternoon to be operated on Tuesday. 
The doctor is confident that the surgery will go on well and that I will be able to leave the hospital the following day, Wednesday. I will be going back every day for a certain while for the rehabilitation.
I rely on your powerful prayers to pull through the ordeal.
Greetings to the confreres and greetings from the confreres here.
God bless,  Sawadogo Rayimwendé Patrice

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