Follow up of Patrice Sawadogo’s surgery in India

Just to inform you that the surgery went on well. I was operated on Wednesday. Doctor discovered that I have a kidney problem following the amount of pain killers and antibiotics I have been taking in Africa. My case was then handed over to the kidney department. After investigation, the doctors gave a green light for the knee surgery. According to them, the low kidney was not going to affect the surgery. But, there is strong necessity to deal with it after it. Otherwise, it may threaten my life seriously.
I was discharged few minutes ago. The physiotherapy department people will be attending to me right here in my room to carry on what they have started right after the operation.
Thanks for your support, care, and prayers. 

Patrice Sawadogo Rayimwendé, M.Afr

One thought on “Follow up of Patrice Sawadogo’s surgery in India

  1. Fabian Gapchojiga

    My prayers Ba Brother may the good Lord make you strong and grant you a quick recovery to continue with mission in good a health greetings to Bumburugu man (Clement Toureh)

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