Sister Sabina Namfukwe and her fight against human trafficking in Zambia

Human trafficking 20
Sabina NamfukweI am Sister Sabina Namfukwe, I belong to the Congregation of the Sisters of the Child Jesus. I am working at the Zambia Catholic University in the Copperbelt Province as Matron for both boys and girls. I am in charge of their accommodation. I learnt so much on human trafficking and sexual abuse that I am failing to keep quiet about it. I do a lot of awareness as I visit and meet them in their boarding houses.
Due to poverty, some of our young people are hungry and thirsty for sponsorships to study abroad. There are a lot of fake sponsors around. Some boys and girls have gone missing from school, no communication to their parents or anybody. Only God knows where they have disappeared. I just help them to make informed choices in case someone approaches them and talks about sponsorships. They should know how to analyse and know the difference between a genuine sponsor and a fake one.
Recently, I got some pamphlets from the Missionaries of Africa community in Kitwe and I distributed them immediately. Also, I have been invited to participate in an international conference in Pretoria South Africa on Anti-Human Trafficking Campaign and Truck drivers in African countries. After it, I intend to extend my sensitization campaign to primary, secondary and high schools around our University because some of the pupils can also be potential victims of sexual abuse and human trafficking.
Sister Sabina Namfukwe
Below: drawings from a poster illustrating various forms of human trafficking.

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8 thoughts on “Sister Sabina Namfukwe and her fight against human trafficking in Zambia

  1. John ITARU. M.Afr

    Thank you sister for such and urgent ministry in the Church and in the society as a whole. It is painful to witness the suffering of our youths especially because of poverty while millions of dollars is spent in buying arms and protect a few individuals while leaving the voiceless at the mercy of the predators! Together we can make a change!

  2. Louis Malajira

    Sister Sabina, I am very impressed with your efforts contributing to end human trafficking in Zambia. I am also working in the fight against child trafficking in Malawi. I am working for Chisomo Children’s Club, an organization that looks into the plight of street children. We are being funded by the Norwegian Church Aid under the project called ‘Prevention of trafficking in women and children’ since 2007. We are working in the areas of awareness raising, capacity building, advocacy, networking, data collection, protection and support to survivors. I would like to ask if we can come to Zambia and appreciate your interventions for us to learn from you on how you are making strides in the battle against human trafficking. My contact email is Thank you.

  3. Harrison

    Sister Namfukwe, You are such a wonder and an inspiration to most young fighter and to those exposed to this malady of human indecency. I have just finished a manuscript of a FICTION story of human trafficking and I would like to get in touch with you. I am Zambian based in The United States.

  4. Sr Rose Chanda SCJ

    My dear Sr Sabina. It is really wonderful and encouraging to see how effective you are in the battle to free God’s children from this modern slavery. It is right and fitting to get on the wagon to fight this battle which our grandfather in faith Bishop Lavigerie started. I think it is the best way of honouring his great efforts as we celebrate 125 Anniversary of the Antislavery Campaign. I salute you my sister. I will do like wise speaking to the girls I stay with in Tangaza Women Hostel in Nairobi, Kenya. May God give you the graces needed in this noble battle.

  5. Pingback: Slaves. They are still among us! | Missionaries of Africa – SAP Province

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