La Radio Chrétienne Francophone R.C.F. Juin 2013

RCF Bruxelles logoRencontrer l’Afrique  sous la direction du Père Jan Lenssen M.Afr en collaboration avec l’équipe du Centre Amani, Pastorale Africaine. Pour écouter RCF Bruxelles partout dans le monde, a l’heure même de l’émission:RCF Bruxelles Vous pouvez réécouter les émissions de la semaine dernière en «podcast» sur le site de RCF:
Les prochaines Émissions : mois de Juin 2013
Horaire des émissions
Mercredi :  à 19h30 – Jeudi : à 4h30 et à 16h – Samedi: à 19h30 – Dimanche: à 17h
05.06.2013 – Mgr Banga, Évêque de Buta,
Vice-Président de la Conférence des Évêques de l’Église du Congo. L’Église catholique dans le cadre du Congo RDC.
12.06.2013 – Mama Virginie Kadima,
Supérieure Générale des sœurs de Saint Joseph, Auxiliaires de l’Église. Un appel vocationnel qui a dynamisé des générations de femmes dans l’Église du Congo: Les sœurs de St-Joseph, Auxiliaires de l’Église. L’histoire et l’actualité d’une Congrégation Religieuse Congolaise.
19.06.2013 – Reprise (Semaine 18-13)
Sœur Diane Nlenzo Marie Isabelle RDC. Éduquer la femme c’est une garantie durable pour la nation! L’éducation de la jeune fille en Afrique; œuvre de longue haleine mais de développement durable. Le récit de Martine jeune élève: rebelle ou bien héroïque?
26.06.2013 – Père Antoine Vital Mbadu Kwalu.
Les prêtres âges en Afrique : des anciens sages, investis de leur autorité à cause du service aux communautés chrétiennes, au repos. Au soin de la communauté locale ?

Encounter with elephants in Lumimba

I wanted to go to Chipuka Gate, inside Luambe National Park, to check if the road was passable. Two students from Lumimba Day Secondary School were with me. I decided to reach the first bridge and check if the water had dried out. There were only a few rough places due to hippos and elephants.
Before reaching the first river bed, moving slowly, I was admiring some antelopes, beautiful birds and baboons while appreciating the beauty of God’s creation. We were moving closer to the Luangwa River and we could see some animals drinking and hippos making gymnastics in the waters. Suddenly, I heard the boys screaming. I looked on my left side and I saw a huge elephant charging towards the car. Then, I look on my right side and saw three elephants approaching very fast towards us. We were surrounded on both sides. Confused, I had to act quickly. I wanted to switch off the car engine. The boys told me immediately not to do so as the elephants were coming with sharp loud noise. When reaching my door side, the boys urged me to move. I immediately engaged the gear on a rough road full of potholes. I speeded up and managed to move 10km per hours. The elephants were relentless and approaching fearlessly. Providentially, they started slowing down. I was terribly scared. It was actually the first time since I came to Lumimba to encounter elephants at such a closer range. Luckily, the first elephant on the left side stopped chasing us and the others eventually stopped too. But still, I couldn’t drive very fast. I was just jumping up and down. I never looked behind or in the mirror.
elephantFew minutes later, we reached the bridge and found that the Ministry of Health have put logs nicely and cars were passing without problems. I remained scared, checking all sides of the road till Chipuka Gate. Surely my blood pressure and adrenaline might have gone high. Once more, my experience in Lumimba has been marked by an exciting experience! For sure, we must have come at a wrong time even though it was in the middle of the day. I can still see their huge ears and hear their terrific noise.
I am still under shock when writing my story. I am thankful to the students who saw the elephants in good time. This has been an exclusive experience and shall be archived in Lumimba Diary. Funny enough, I am looking forward going back to Chasera next week, using the same route. Wow! God save us!
United in the same mission, let us pray for each other.
Fr. Phelim Mutambekwa Malumo M.Afr

Ordination of Erus Kishor Tirkey in India on the 3rd May 2013

Erus Kishor Tirkey 07Our confreres Didier Lemaire and Jean-Paul Cirhakarhula went to India with five Christians of Orange Farm in South Africa at the occasion of the ordination of Erus Kishor Tirkey in his home village, Kansabel, in the Diocese of Jashpur, in Chattisgarh State. Erus did his stage in Orange Farm.
They were received by our confreres in Bangalore and travelled 36 hours by train to reach Jashpur.
The celebrations were spread over several days. 2nd May: traditional hand over of their son to the Church by the family; 3rd May: ordination and festivity; 4th May: 1st Mass; 5th May: Sunday Mass at the Parish. Another son of the parish was ordained at the same time for the Jesuits.

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Interview with David Brubaker

David BrubakerPope Francis, in his Pentecost homily, invited us to be aware of transient structures which have lost their capacity for openness. He said: “Are we open to ‘God’s surprises’? Or are we closed and fearful before the newness of the Holy Spirit? Do we have the courage to strike out along the new paths which God’s newness sets before us, or do we resist, barricaded in transient structures which have lost their capacity for openness to what is new? We would do well to ask ourselves these questions.”
In this new interview David Brubaker shares with us his evolving thinking on the role of organizations in the ongoing quest for human freedom and dignity.
In today’s “information revolution” the volume of information entering and circulating within every healthy organization is indeed overwhelming. When we see information as “nourishment” we are much more likely to drink at its wells and also to share it freely than when we see it as a finite source of “power.” David concludes the interview inviting us to integrate love in our leadership. He says: “Those of us who are leaders, formal or informal, must also strive to be lovers.” READ MORE
David Brubaker 02

Mafrwestafrica – Lettre du 26 mai 2013

Mafrwestafrica 02Cher SAP Blog
Aujourd’hui, les Missionnaires d’Afrique de l’Ouest vous proposent de visiter de nouvelles pages sur leur site :
Dans la rubrique « Actualités » :
« Quelques flashes d’actualité », qui nous emmènent d’une part au Congo pour la session des jeunes confrères, et le serment et diaconat à Kinshasa, d’autre part à Abidjan pour la rencontre des familles de nos confrères. (lire la suite)
Dans la rubrique « Justice et Paix» :
« Mieux vaut prévenir que guérir », le témoignage de notre confrère Andreas Göpfert qui consacre beaucoup de son temps à animer des sessions pour apprendre à éviter les conflits. (lire la suite)
– Dans la rubrique « Vu au sud, vu du sud » :
« Investir dans l’agriculture » : les réflexions de notre confrère Maurice Oudet suite à sa participation à un forum en France. (lire la suite)
– Dans la rubrique « Dialogue interreligieux » :
« Une Tunisienne et Vatican II », ou comment les contacts d’une musulmane avec un Missionnaire d’Afrique et les chrétiens de Sfax lui ont ouvert l’esprit et le cœur. (lire la suite)
– Dans la rubrique « Témoignages » :

« Les barbes chez les Pères Blancs », quelques réflexions et informations intéressantes et humoristiques données par le Père Frank Nolan, de Tanzanie, sur un sujet rarement abordé. (lire la suite) .