The next book of Evans K. Chama

Evans ChamaSome time this year Serge presented on this blog my bookA Woman Like Mum, which is the second book after We Fought Wrong Fight, published in 2008. He asked me if there is another book coming, to write a few lines about it. Indeed, another one is coming and I want to present it here.
The working title is Rule of the Boorish. In this book I reflect on some elements that constitute our democracy in Zambia, concentrating especially on abuses, misconceptions that keep our Democracy immature and barren. There are five chapters.
In the first chapter I pose a question: Is Democracy the system of government best suited for Zambia today?  We would also say, are Zambians ready for democracy? Here I make some reflections on events or cases that have made and are still making mockery of our democracy, from the point of view of politicians and also from that of the Zambian general public.
The second chapter, The sickness of our democracy, deals with our today’s crop of politicians, formation of political parties, Elections, Candidates, Campaigns, and voters: how do these elements, as we experience them in Zambia, render our democracy a sham?
Tribes as chronic Ulcer of Zambia, in this third chapter I dare to accuse our tribal identities as a rot in our democracy. The tribal organisation and its dynamics are an opposing force to national identity, and certainly do not render a good service to democracy. Here, I tackle also the question o f tribalism.
The fourth chapter: Perhaps It’s Time to Say Goodbye to Chiefs. Traditional authority is one institution that feeds on tribal identity and sometimes opposed to democracy by its character and manner of operation. Thus, either this institution accepts a thorough transformation or loses its place in today’s society.
In the fifth chapter I deal with something a bit off the line of democracy, Development. Here I propose a perspective of development in which everyone finds one’s place regardless of the work, business involvement or place. It is a people-propelled kind of development, and not the one brought by the government and often from without. Here, the government has only the role of facilitator, animator and motivator. Hence, it is not development or economic growth known only by intellectuals on paper but rather a development in the life of the people themselves based on local resources both material and human.  
By the Rule of Boorish I am essentially proposing a forum, a debate, on our democracy in order to shape it ourselves in the manner that it answers our Zambian needs. With such background, I feel great liberty to throw out ideas without much inhibition for it is all about soliciting debate and exchange of ideas.
Well, Serge, this is the book project I’m working on. I cannot say when it will come out for there is still a rework to be done and as well as finding the funds for publishing.
Evans K. Chama, M.Afr

Missionaries of Africa Ghana-Nigeria JPIC-ED Newsletter – June 2013 Volume 1

Logo Ghana-Nigeria JPIC-ED 2013 Newsletter 2Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all. This is to say Ghana-Nigeria JPIC-ED continues to seek the best ways to contribute towards a peaceful and just society living in a clean and suitable environment and evaluating our peaceful coexistence among regions, tribes and nations. With this in mind, we present today our Newsletter focussing on the 125th anniversary of Lavigeries’ involvement in his antislavery campaign. BULLETIN

Clenerius Mutale Chimpali, M.Afr

The challenges of implementing Shari’ah Law in modern times – FENZA conferences

FENZAIn line with its programmed series of conferences for the year 2013, FENZA organized its second conference on Saturday 22 June. The topic of the conference was: Challenges of Implementing Shari’ah Law in Modern Times. To present the theme were Dr Pamela Towela Sambo, Lecturer at UNZA in the Faculty of law, whose well-appreciated talk provided the general framework for understanding law in secular modern times. To present the Muslim self-understanding of Shari’ah law were Sheikh Twaha O. Chiwala and Sheikh Derrick Musa Zemba, Zambian graduate scholars of Medina University in Saudi Arabia, specialized in Shari’ah law and Prophetic Traditions (Hadiths), respectively. Finally, Fr. Felix J. Phiri, a scholar in Islamic studies and a former Lecturer of the Pontifical Institute for Arabic and Islamic Studies in Rome, made a synthesis of the two preceding presentations, highlighting the challenges underlying the efforts of implementing Shari’ah law in modern times. The talks will soon be rendered available on the FENZA website, .
Implementing Shari’ah Law in Modern Times 01The conference started at 14.30hrs and ended at 17.00hrs. After the three presentations, the audience, relatively smaller than usual, about 30 people, joined into the debate opened and moderated by Fr. Romaric Bationo, the new director of FENZA. The presence of Muslims in the audience was noticed and highly appreciated by the Christian participants. The debate had to be cut short due to time limit, leaving some participants still thirsty for more discussion. This conference may have opened the door for more encounters with Moslems around Lusaka
The next conference will be on Modern Slavery at a date to be later determined.

Mafrwestafrica – Lettre du 24 juin 2013

Mafrwestafrica 02Aujourd’hui, les Missionnaires d’Afrique de l’Ouest vous proposent de visiter de nouvelles pages sur leur site :
Dans la rubrique « Témoignages » :
« Expérience d’un étudiant à Abidjan », une lettre de Simplice Traore, originaire du Mali, et qui vient de terminer sa première année de théologie. (lire la suite)
Dans la rubrique « Actualités » :
« Fin d’année à Abidjan » : un article envoyé par le Père Wilbert Gobbo, qui termine cette année son séjour à Abidjan dans notre maison de formation. (lire la suite)
« Le billet du diocèse de Laghouat-Ghardaia, juin 2013 », aussi disponible en allant sur « Maghreb – dernières nouvelles » (lire la suite)
« Le premier évêque Nigérien» un article pris sur le site de l’agence FIDES, à propos de l’ordination d’évêque auxiliaire de Niamey, le 9 juin 2013. (lire la suite)
Dans la rubrique « Vu au sud, vu du sud » :
« L’arbre de vie, le moringa » un article tiré de la revue « Voix d’Afrique » du mois de juin 2013. (lire la suite)
« La Province du Sud de l’Afrique », une invitation à aller visiter le blog de cette province des Missionnaires d’Afrique, qui publie d’ailleurs les informations données sur notre site  (lire la suite)
Dans la rubrique « Justice et Paix » :

« Le Pape contre le travail des enfants », des extraits de la déclaration du Pape François le 12 juin 2013, journée mondiale pour protéger les enfants de l’exploitation. C’est en même temps l’occasion pour nous de donner plus de détails sur la campagne antiesclavagiste du cardinal Lavigerie, et la célébration de son 125ème anniversaire. (lire la suite)

Government – Renamo talks resume, despite raid on arsenal

Club of Mozambique… the attack, at about 03.30 on Monday morning, against an arsenal of the Mozambican Armed Forces (FADM) at Savane, in Sofala. At least six Mozambican soldiers were murdered in the raid.
No-one has claimed responsibility for the attack… According to a report in the Maputo daily “Noticias”, there were about 30 FADM troops at the arsenal, who were taken completely off their guard by the pre-dawn raid. The attackers made off with an unknown amount of weaponry.
The paper’s report says that five soldiers were killed on the spot, and a sixth died later in Beira Central Hospital. Another is unaccounted for and may also be dead. A wounded soldier is still undergoing treatment at the hospital.
The head of the Savane administrative post, Rosa Bia Luis, had no doubt that the raiders, who wore uniforms, were members of Renamo. She said the attack had caused great tension in Savane, and that some public institutions, including schools and health units had closed their doors because of it.
The wounded soldier told reporters that the attackers had also suffered casualties, but had carried their dead and wounded away with them.
Savane in Sofala Mozambique

From Google Map