Pope Francis and Mission Nowadays

Pope Brazil visitChers confrères,
Le Père Julien Cormier me demande de vous faire parvenir un texte du Pape François qui nous aidera à réfléchir sur la mission, notre mission et la vie de l’Église.
Vous trouverez ce texte en pièce jointe (en français et en anglais). 
Merci !
Marc Beaudry, M.Afr
Le pape François et la mission aujourd’hui
“Although Pope Francis was speaking about the situation in Latin America, Catholics in other parts of the world may well find much of what Francis had to say recognizable in their contexts, too.”
A. Introduction de Julien Cormier : Le pape, la mission et les M.Afr (en français)
B. Présentation (in English) de John Allen du National Catholic Reporter
C. Présentation (en français) d’Anita Bourdin, Agence Zenit
D. Discours du Pape aux évêques du CELAM à Rio (en français)
E. Address from the Pope to the CELAM Bishops in Rio (in English)
pope_francis_brazil.jpg.size.xxlarge.letterboxAddress of Pope Francis to Ambassadors on the world of finance and economics – 16th May 2013

Priestly Ordination of Simeon Kalore M.Afr

simon_kalore003 - Copie_modifié-2Saturday 20th July 2013
Dear brothers,
We have just coming back from the ordination of Simeon Kalore by Right Rev. Mgr Woldeghorgis Matheos, bishop of Hosana Vicariate in Ethiopia. Abune Weldegiorgis Matheos ordained him on 20th of July and his thanksgiving mass was on the following day. The ordination day was not as full as was Simeon thanksgiving mass. Though all his brothers and sisters have converted to Evangelical church, we had a beautiful celebration with all of them. So it was an ecumenical celebration. We were five confreres, students and the FROMA (friends of the missionaries of Africa) who accompanied him from Tigray. Despite the fact that it is rainy season, the Lord of rain protected us from disruption. We had beautiful weather and it was only the day we were leaving Taza that we got a shower that lasted till 10am. Indeed the Lord provided us with all the reason to celebrate our brothers’ priestly ministry. Now we need to continue accompanying him differently.
Bonaventure Mashata, M.Afr
Delegate Superior Ethiopia- Proche-Orient

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