New FENZA Conference on the 7th September 2013

FENZAOur next FENZA Conference will take place on Saturday 7th September 2013.
Venue: Faith and Encounter Centre (FENZA), Bauleni near Mathia Mulumba Catholic Church or Yatsani Radio.
Time: 14:00 to 17:00 hours

Theme: Slaves! They are still among us!

Slavery or enslavement is not just something of the past! Today, millions of men, women and children are trapped in slavery, around the world, including in Zambia.
Yes! Around us, many of our brothers, sisters and children are victims of modern forms of slavery such as: Human Trafficking, Forced Labour, Child Labour, Early and Forced Marriage.
The victims are innumerable! The facts are shocking! But the good news is: some people are already working with the victims to stop these new forms of slavery.
There is still more to be done to fight and stop modern slavery.
Come and get the facts! Let’s us debate the issues and solutions to this human plight. Come and be part of an antislavery campaign.
“I am a human being and I am no stranger to anything affecting humanity. I am a human being and injustice towards other people makes me heartsick. I am a human being and oppression offends my nature. I am a human being and cruelty towards such a great number of my fellow human beings inspires me with nothing but horror.” (Cardinal Lavigerie, Founder of the Missionaries of Africa)
The panellists are activists and victims of modern slavery. We have also invited several of them to be with us.
Your presence and contribution will help in “breaking the chains”.
We hope to see you on Saturday 7th September 2013.
The FENZA Team

Death of Father Johan Heuves in the Netherlands

johan_heuves_modifié-1Father Johan Heuves (30-4-1930) died this morning at 09.30 (17-8-1913) at the age of 83 after a long sickness.
He was a missionary in Malawi, came back home for health reasons (Parkinson), he then worked for two years in the Parish of Lage Mierde in the Netherlands, and then left for St. Charles, Heythuysen, where he lived for 11 years till his death.
On Thursday afternoon 22-8-2013 at 14.30 hours, we will celebrate the Mass of thanksgiving for his life, followed by burial on our M.Afr Cemetery at Heythuysen, St Charles.
Wim Wouters, M.Afr, Sector Superior

25/04/1960        Learning the language; Katete CELA, D. Mzuzu Malawi
13/10/1962        Curate in Nkhamenya, D. Mzuzu
08/09/1963        Curate in Deep Bay (= Chirumba)
09/01/1965        Diocesan Bursar in Mzuzu
30/06/1967        Director Junior Seminary in Rumphi
05/07/1971        Curate in Mzimba
01/01/1973        Diocesan Bursar in Mzuzu, Katoto
01/01/1975        Curate in Katete, D. Mzuzu Malawi
01/01/1976        Diocesan Bursar in Mzuzu, Katoto
28/02/1979        Session-Retreat in Jérusalem
01/01/1980        Regional Councillor
01/01/1982        Curate in Katete, D. Mzuzu Malawi
01/01/1984        Diocesan Bursar ad interim in Mzuzu, Katoto
01/01/1985        Bursar: Junior Seminary Rumphi, D. Mzuzu Malawi
01/12/1988        Lilongwe, Regional House Malawi
22/04/1990        Chaplain Expatriates Msamba, D. Lilongwe Malawi
10/11/1992        Chaplain Expatriates Lilongwe, Regional House Malawi
30/08/1999        Back to the Province Vaassen in the Netherlands
01/12/2000        Ministry Lage Mierde in the Netherlands
01/09/2002        Residence Heythuysen
17-08-2013         In the hands of the Lord, Heythuysen in the Netherlands