Anti-Slavery campaign in the Southern Africa Province

Claudio Zuccala Petit Echo 2013
125th Anniversary of Cardinal Lavigerie’s Anti-Slavery campaign.
Many events and initiatives at the level of SAP during the year
As I am writing these lines, one of the major events organised at the level of SAP to mark the 125th anniversary of Lavigerie’s Anti-Slavery campaign, has just come to an end. Initially, it had been envisaged that a bus highlighting the Anti-Slavery campaign would tour through all the sectors of the Province picking up and dropping off people as it went along. As it was, the Mozambique sector was the only one able to organise this aspect of the campaign. A minibus set off from Beira on 29th August and travelled to Tete, the boom town along the Zambezi River, picking up some people from our parishes of Dombe and Sussundenga. A two day awareness event was organised in Tete and the same happened in Chimoio a week later. Hundreds of people took part. The final event took place in Beira, at the Nazaré centre, from 12th to 15th September 2013. Conferences, debates, drama, radio and television interviews took place and there was a 4-day-long continuous and interested involvement of some 80 participants. This was a considerable achievement for our confreres in Mozambique.
By Claudio Zuccala, M.Afr

Present Magazine December 2013

08 Present Magazine Dec 2013

Greetings! From the East where all the wise left to pitch tents up in the North. Currently, it is rather warm and dry here, but hopefully God will be merciful to send us some few drops of his blessings.
The “Come and See” session is going on well with six young men. Yesterday, we had the opportunity to visit Navutika, Mary Mother of God Parish which is in being looked after by our humorous and zealous Missionary, Abambo Joe.
The Parish is very young but full of life with a diversity of pastoral activities to explore. It was interesting to go and see what is happening up there. FULL TEXT

The Institution of Acolytes in Abidjan, Ivory Coast

Theology Students in Abidjan 2013
Theology Students in Abidjan 2013

We are very glad to share with you our joy of a very important event that we had on the 15th November 2013. On that special day, we had a festival Eucharistic celebration where the official institution of 12 acolytes took place. Among the twelve instituted as acolytes were Paul Kitha from Malawi and Mukuka Humphrey from Zambia. The Eucharistic celebration was presided by Emmanuel NG’ONA, who is also one of the members of the General Council for the Society of the Missionaries of Africa. This is because it was the same week our community (Fraternité Lavigerie) had an official visit of Emmanuel NG’ONA and Jean-Michel Laurent the secretary to formation. We would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to all those who have been supporting us in different ways. We will equally keep praying for you so that our God of love will continue being the light of yourlife. Our hope and expectation is that we become faithful servants of the Lord at all time through this ministry of acolyte. By Mukuka Humphrey and Makambi Kitha Paul