The Missionary Oath and the Diaconate Ordination in Abidjan

Abidjan 01Our community “ Fraternité Lavigerie” of Abidjan was so privileged to have two major events during the early days of the month of December 2013. Five of our confreres had the opportunity of professing their missionary oath definitively in the Society of the Missionaries of Africa. This occurred on the sixth of December 2013 during the liturgical celebration which was presided by Ignatius Anipu (the provincial of the West Africa Province, P.A.O). Our community was equally happy to receive a good number of visitors for the event, especially the confreres within and outside West Africa. The Diaconate Ordination took place on the seventh of December 2013 at St. John the Baptist parish which is located near our community. This year’s Diaconate Ordination was unique because it was presided by one of the Missionaries’ of Africa bishops by the name of Mgr Claude Raul who is actually serving as a bishop of Laghouat in Algeria. Among the five newly ordained as deacons were Christian Muhineza (Burundian) and Remacle Lamec Ciza (Burundian) who did their apostolic stage in Southern Africa Province (SAP). Christian did his stage in Namushakende, Zambia while Lamec in Lebombo parish in South Africa. We are very glad to have them as confreres and we wish them good luck in their theological studies before they go for the mission.     By Mukuka Humphrey

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PDF file:   Missionary Oath Diaconate Abidjan

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