Formation training of Camille Konkobo in Kinshasa, DRCongo

Camille KonkoboBy Camille Konkobo, M.Afr
On the 25th October, I went to Kinshasa, DRCongo, to follow a training course for formators. This training took place at CTV Mbudi Centre which is run by the Scheuts’ Fathers. Among other sessions, they also offer retreats and recollections together with many other facilities for religious and the clergy. I was impressed to see the numbers of religious Sisters, fourteen of them out of eighteen people from all over Congo except me from Zambia.
The training consisted in providing basic materiel and knowledge about the right spirit by which a formation house is led. We reflected on the life of formator or animator of community; which type of formator the candidates expect to get, what is helping us to manage adequately anger and other feelings and so on. Some practical exercises on spiritual and vocation discernment opened our minds. There was also a session about the charism of religious Congregations. To finish, we ploughed through the canonical law trying to understand few things concerning formation.
It is a good training course for those who cannot afford to attend a full year course. I don’t pretend to be a fully qualified trained formator but, at least, I have discover how to pursue my personal training.
Thank for all you who have helped me, prayed for me and encouraged me before and during my learning experience. 

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Death of Piet van Heijst’s sister

We share with you a message addressed to Felix Kamunenge, Parish Priest in Kitwe.
Piet_van_Heijst_02Dear Felix,
As you know, by the SMS I send you, my sister passed away very quietly this morning (27th December) at 6.00hrs (in Zambia 7.00hrs). On Sunday, when I arrived, was the last day that she was still conscious enough to know who were there. On Monday, we are not sure if she really recognized me. Since that day she has been unconscious but quiet. Her youngest daughter and husband were there this morning when she died.
I have been with her every day for a few hours and the last time was yesterday afternoon. It has been good so but it remains painful to miss my sister who has been so good to me where I spend the most of my home leaves.
About the funeral arrangements I will hear this afternoon. I thank all of you for the support you gave me when to decide to go or not. Remaining united and greetings to all parishioners.
Piet van Heijst, M.Afr
Let us pray for Piets’ sister and her family.