Venerato Deus Babaine, M.Afr

Venerato Babaine 2014I am a Ugandan from Mbarara Archdiocese of the Western Uganda. I was born on January 12, 1966. After my Secondary Education I joined the formation of the Missionaries of Africa in 1988. I spent the study of the philosophical studies at Kahangala in Magu, Tanzania (1988-91), spiritual Year at Kasama (1991-92), apostolic training at St. Peter’s parish – Serenje, Zambia (1992-94). I did theological studies in Nairobi (Tangaza College). I made the oath and diaconate in 1997. My ordination was at my home parish of Ibanda, in 1998. Then I was appointed to the then Province of Zambia.
I started my missionary life after ordination at Lubwe Mission of Mansa diocese (1998-2001). I was the last of the M.Afr community to hand-over Lubwe to the Diocesan Priests. After my maiden home leave I was appointed to a new parish of St. Anne’s New Town-Kasama as a Parish Priest (2001-2005). My experience as a missionary in Zambia was parish pastoral ministry. It was also marked by the video production of the documentaries about the missionary work of the Missionaries of Africa which was concluded in 2005. From 2005 to 2010 I did my home-service in Uganda and worked as vocation promoter and missionary awareness animator. From 2010 to 2012 I did some on-going formation and followed some renewal programmes including spirituality and languages. During that time I had missionary encounters in Ireland, France, the DRC and Burundi. I have also been on the team of the on-going formators for M.Afr. English speaking young confreres. Since April 2013 I have been at the M.Afr house in Nyegezi, Mwanza in Tanzania doing some chaplaincy and followed a course of Clinical Pastoral Education at Buganda Medical University Teaching Hospital. While following treatment for my back in 2012 and 2013 in Nairobi I also helped to handle some assignments in the EAP Provincial’s office at occasions I was requested to do so.
Years from 2005 to 2013 were full of exposures, discoveries, ventures and deep reflection for me in areas of spirituality and academics. I shared ecological spirituality in retreats and seminars. I read an M.A in Human Rights & Governance and got involved in advocacy and a social education for development. I did a research in Field Ecological conservation to improve the livelihoods of less privileged communities and promoted tree planting and water conservation. I developed my hobbies for nature and integrity of creation. He is a full member of NatureUganda organisation that has a mandated in East Africa to promote environmental sustainability.
In a short time I move to SAP for another missionary experience.

Obituary – Sébastien Ndrutsomi

Sébastien Ndrutsomi 2013BVery early on Sunday 5th of January, Father Sébastien left the parish station of Kamhlushwa – a huge location situated in the triangle between Swaziland, Mozambique and the Kruger Park – to assist a friend who was in trouble with his own car. Normally, Father Sébastien would have gone from there to serve the Christian Communities that he had been assigned to for that day. But somewhere along the way and for a reason that is not known, Father Sébastien lost control of his car, which rolled over several times outside the road. It took some time for the police to be alerted and for an ambulance to reach the scene. Father Sébastien was eventually taken to Tonga Hospital but passed away on arrival. His two companions, back in the parish station, Father Chrispin Vungwa and Brother Samuel Affoumane, had a very stressful morning as the first news they got let them believe that Father Sébastien had only been hurt, and when they did not meet him at the emergency ward, they wanted to verify at the mortuary, but nobody was there to let them in.
Father Sébastien Ndrutsomi was a Missionary of Africa, a Catholic Missionary Society that has been very active in planting the Church in many countries of Africa. He was born in North East Congo (DRC) some 37 years ago. He had done his pastoral training in the region of Siyabuswa (Pretoria) before finishing his 4 years of theological training and being ordained a priest some three and a half years ago. After his ordination, he came back to South Africa and was appointed as curate in the area of Kamhlushwa, known in the Diocese of Witbank as Lebombo Parish. 
Sébastien was a very dynamic, convinced, bold missionary, who was very fluent in the Zulu / Swathi language. He obviously had the fire – like the one of Pentecost – in his heart and in his life. He always said the truth with a smile, but never compromised. He was loved by the people he served and will be dearly missed. On Friday evening the 10th, the parishioners will spend the night in a vigil of thanksgiving and prayer for our brother Sébastien and, early on Saturday morning the 11th, they will accompany his body to Lydenburg where a solemn mass of funeral will be presided by Right Reverend Bishop Giuseppe (Joe) Sandri MCCJ assisted by Father Christopher Chileshe M.Afr, Provincial Superior of the Missionaries of Africa. Father Sébastien will be laid to rest in the cemetery of Maria Trost, where many priests and religious of Witbank Diocese were buried. We are expecting many priests and religious from the diocese who had come to know and appreciate Father Sébastien. Together with his brothers from the Missionaries of Africa and the parishioners of Lebombo Parish, they will thank God for the short but intensive missionary life of Father Sébastien. 
Go well my brother, hamba kahle. 
Philippe Docq, M.Afr
Delegate Superior for South Africa
Photos de l’ordination Sacerdotale de Sébastien Ndrutsomi le 21 septembre 2010 à Bunia, en République Démocratique du Congo. Il a été ordonné par Mgr Dieudonné Uringi, évêque du diocèse de Bunia.
See the Profile of Father Sébastien on this PDF file
Voir la note nécrologique du Père Sébastien sur ce fichier PDF

What is so “golden” about Zambia’s jubilee? Asks Oasis Forum!

Oasis Forum LogoOver 70 people from various Churches, NGO’s and the media responded to the invitation of Oasis Forum for a Press Conference which took place at the Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia (EFZ) in Lusaka on the 8th January 2014 at 9:30 hours. The theme of the conference was about the kind of political leadership Zambia needs in the coming Year of its Golden Jubilee, 50th year of independence.
The panellists did not hesitate to use straight forward words: “poor political governance”, “we need a clear vision”, “we expect changes in governance”, “we are experiencing a leadership of abuse aiming at personal interests”, “we need now a people driven constitution”, “mediocrity will not be accepted”, “we want to celebrate a Jubilee without fear”, “the new constitution has to be brought to a referendum in 2014”, “the actual constitutional review is not transparent”, “time has come to unite”, “we need to strategize peacefully the best way to force the Government to take up its promises to come out with a new constitution”, “we are determined to fight and get what we want”, “we are at a crossroad”, “the new constitution is a moral issue to be preached from the pulpit in all our churches”, “let’s arise!”.
Reporter: Serge St-Arneault, M.Afr
As we soldier on in this Golden Jubilee Year in Zambia, kindly find herewith attached a Press Statement from the Oasis Forum with regard to the constitution making process in Zambia and lack of true leadership by successive regimes.
Wishing you God’s continued guidance and many blessings in the New Year 2014.
Fr. Cleophas Lungu
The year 2014 marks Zambia’s Golden Jubilee having attained independence in 1964. Reflections on the quality of political governance experienced throughout this period clearly shows that this country’s development has been consistently undermined by a self-centred political leadership. The current PF government has not been any different and has gone further to exhibit a less than high calibre of leadership. For this reason, the Oasis Forum would like to state the following and urges all Zambians, especially the political elite, to seriously ponder on these messages: … FULL TEXT

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 Further link: After 50 years of independence a constitution focused on popular sovereignty is needed
Or see the PDF Document