Obituary – Sébastien Ndrutsomi

Sébastien Ndrutsomi 2013BVery early on Sunday 5th of January, Father Sébastien left the parish station of Kamhlushwa – a huge location situated in the triangle between Swaziland, Mozambique and the Kruger Park – to assist a friend who was in trouble with his own car. Normally, Father Sébastien would have gone from there to serve the Christian Communities that he had been assigned to for that day. But somewhere along the way and for a reason that is not known, Father Sébastien lost control of his car, which rolled over several times outside the road. It took some time for the police to be alerted and for an ambulance to reach the scene. Father Sébastien was eventually taken to Tonga Hospital but passed away on arrival. His two companions, back in the parish station, Father Chrispin Vungwa and Brother Samuel Affoumane, had a very stressful morning as the first news they got let them believe that Father Sébastien had only been hurt, and when they did not meet him at the emergency ward, they wanted to verify at the mortuary, but nobody was there to let them in.
Father Sébastien Ndrutsomi was a Missionary of Africa, a Catholic Missionary Society that has been very active in planting the Church in many countries of Africa. He was born in North East Congo (DRC) some 37 years ago. He had done his pastoral training in the region of Siyabuswa (Pretoria) before finishing his 4 years of theological training and being ordained a priest some three and a half years ago. After his ordination, he came back to South Africa and was appointed as curate in the area of Kamhlushwa, known in the Diocese of Witbank as Lebombo Parish. 
Sébastien was a very dynamic, convinced, bold missionary, who was very fluent in the Zulu / Swathi language. He obviously had the fire – like the one of Pentecost – in his heart and in his life. He always said the truth with a smile, but never compromised. He was loved by the people he served and will be dearly missed. On Friday evening the 10th, the parishioners will spend the night in a vigil of thanksgiving and prayer for our brother Sébastien and, early on Saturday morning the 11th, they will accompany his body to Lydenburg where a solemn mass of funeral will be presided by Right Reverend Bishop Giuseppe (Joe) Sandri MCCJ assisted by Father Christopher Chileshe M.Afr, Provincial Superior of the Missionaries of Africa. Father Sébastien will be laid to rest in the cemetery of Maria Trost, where many priests and religious of Witbank Diocese were buried. We are expecting many priests and religious from the diocese who had come to know and appreciate Father Sébastien. Together with his brothers from the Missionaries of Africa and the parishioners of Lebombo Parish, they will thank God for the short but intensive missionary life of Father Sébastien. 
Go well my brother, hamba kahle. 
Philippe Docq, M.Afr
Delegate Superior for South Africa
Photos de l’ordination Sacerdotale de Sébastien Ndrutsomi le 21 septembre 2010 à Bunia, en République Démocratique du Congo. Il a été ordonné par Mgr Dieudonné Uringi, évêque du diocèse de Bunia.
See the Profile of Father Sébastien on this PDF file
Voir la note nécrologique du Père Sébastien sur ce fichier PDF

5 thoughts on “Obituary – Sébastien Ndrutsomi

  1. Bishop Giuseppe (Joe) Sandri MCCJ

    Dear Priests,
    After consultation with the Missionaries of Africa, especially Fr. Philippe, their Delegate Superior for South Africa the following decisions has been taken regarding the burial of Fr. Sébastien.
    On Friday night: vigil at Kamhlushwa, above all for the people of Lebombo parish. Other people are welcomed. The vigil will finish at around 5h00 on Saturday morning and the body will be transported to Maria Trost (Lydenburg-Mashishing). Catholics from Lebombo parish will also travel to Maria Trost by bus and cars.
    Saturday 11th of January at 10h00 Funeral Mass presided by myself, followed by burial in Maria Trost Cemetery. A meal will be served at the end of the service. Everyone is welcomed.
    Once again we express our deepest condolences to the family of Fr. Sébastien, to the Missionaries of Africa and to the Catholics of Lebombo parish. We continue praying for the eternal rest of Fr. Sébastien.
    We warmly welcome all the Missionaries of Africa coming to our Diocese to accompany their young confrere to his last resting place.
    In this moment of deep loss and sadness, we renew our trust in the Good Shepherd.
    Bishop Giuseppe (Joe) Sandri MCCJ

  2. Christian Mulenga

    My condolences to SAP for the great loss of a young confrere Father Sébastien through this sudden and tragic death. But what matters is not the number of years we spend on earth but what we did to the Lord. In the few years father Sébastien served the as a Missionary Priest he left behind many good fruits.
    Go well and rest in peace our brother. Keep on interceding for us before the Lord.
    Fr. Christian Mulenga

  3. John Mubanga

    Thank you very much for sending me the message. We shall continue praying for our brother and the family.
    Stay blessed,
    John Mubanga

  4. José Morales

    C’est avec beaucoup de peine que nous avons appris le décès de notre confrère Sébastien Ndrutsomi en Afrique du Sud. Je l’ai connu à Bobo-Dioulasso en 2004, lorsqu’il faisait son noviciat. Par ce mot, nous vous assurons de notre prière. Demain matin, nous célébrerons l’Eucharistie à son intention dans notre chapelle de Notre Dame d’Afrique de Madrid.
    Nos sincères condoléances à tous les confères et à sa famille.
    Bien fraternellement,
    José Morales M.Afr
    Délégué Provincial

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