Return to the Lord of Father Adriaan van Pinxten

Adriaan van Pinxten PNGFather Adriaan died on January 27, 2014 in St. Elisabeth hospital, Tilburg Netherlands at the age of 79, of which 54 of missionary life in Malawi and in Netherlands. The funeral will be this coming Saturday afternoon at St Charles; afterwards we will lay him to rest in our cemetery at Heythuysen. He will be remembered as a man, close to the simple people entrusted to him.
May he rest in peace.
Nat.: Ned
Diocèse d’origine : ‘s Hertogenbosch
Naissance : St.Michielsgest – 24/06/1934
Année Spirituelle : ‘s-Heerenberg – 07/09/1955
Serment : Totteridge – 06/07/1959
Prêtrise : Tilburg – 02/02/1960
27/10/1960 Apprend Chichewa Likuni Nyasaland
01/05/1961 Curate Guillemé, D. Lilongwe
29/06/1961 Curate Visanza
15/02/1962 Curate Madisi
01/07/1969 Parish Priest Madisi
26/08/1970 Parish Priest Mlale, D. Lilongwe, Malawi
01/01/1975 Curate Ludzi
01/01/1976 Parish Priest Nambuma
01/01/1982 Parish Priest Nathenje
01/01/1984 Parish Priest Ludzi, D. Lilongwe, Malawi
01/08/1991 Curate Kavala, D. Lilongwe, Malawi
10/11/1992 Curate Chezi, D.Lilongwe Malawi
01/12/2000 Ministry Lage Mierde, Nederland
01/07/2012 Residence H.C. Lage Mierde  Nederland
27-01-2014 Retour au Seigneur à Tilburg, aux Pays-Bas

Zambian Sector Assembly, Jan 22-23, 2014 and farewell to Father Henk van der Steen

Sector Assembly Kasisi 21-01-2014 21 PNGAbout sixty confreres gathered for their annual Zambian Sector Assembly, this time again at Kasisi. Our confrere Venerato Babaine accepted to act as moderator of the assembly.
Dr. Lloyd, working as a medical doctor at the new Cardinal Adam Memorial Catholic Hospital in Bauleni, Lusaka provided two talks; one on Diabetes becoming an emerging health emergency and the second one on prostate cancer. Diabetes is predicted to exceed the ravages
of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the near future while prostate cancer is the most common cancer in the world among men.
The second talk on pastoral issues was offered by Dr. Fr. Leonard Namuhumba who is a lecturer at St. Dominic’s Major Seminary.
As usual, each community gave a report of their activities and brought their views and concerns on various questions related to our commitments and future engagements. Thanks to the Provincial Christopher Chileshe, using a PowerPoint presentation, the confreres got a better understanding of the decisions taken at the Plenary Council which took place in Ouagadougou, West Africa.
The end of the meeting ended with a farewell party in honour of Father Henk van der Steen who decided to retire in his native land in Holland.
For he’s a jolly good fellow, for he’s a jolly good fellow,
For he’s a jolly good fellow, and so say all of us!
Here some pictures of the event.

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Declaration of Intent of Jean-Baptiste Todjro

Jean_Baptiste_TodjroThe St. Lawrence community is inviting all of us to the Declaration of Intent of our stagiaire Jean-Baptiste Todjro. The Eucharistic celebration will start at 9:00 hours on Sunday the 2nd February. This is an important step for Jean-Baptiste as he is expressing publicly his intention to pursue his formation to become a Missionary of Africa.

Let us make this event ours in a spirit of thanksgiving for the achievement of Jean-Baptiste as well as the entire St. Lawrence’s community.

See also the following link: Saint Lawrence Day Celebration; 10th August 2013

St-Lawrence church