Leaked draft constitution by Zambian Watchdog

Zambian WatchdogA critical website [1], the Zambian Watchdog, one of which President Michael Sata and his cadres dismiss as a rogue media outlet has leaked one of the ruling party’s most guarded secrets – the draft constitution.
The 264 page document was leaked the night of Wednesday, January 14, 2014 and has since gone viral with members of the public whom President Sata did not want to give the document – at least for now – accessing it.
President Sata had promised to deliver a constitution with 90 days of assuming power on September 22, 2011 but now in his three years of governance the promise like many others has gone unfulfilled.
Although President Sata appointed a Technical Committee to Draft the constitution, whose among the many terms of reference, was to release the document simultaneously the Head of State reneged and demanded only 10 copies.
This outraged the public and a well organised Prayer Vigil was massively attended to demand the release of the constitution but those calls from members of the public, the church, civil society organisation, students and opposition fell on deaf ears.
However, Zambians will cry no more for the document as the Zambian Watchdog – blocked from access within Zambia – has given it out in its draft form as compiled by the Technical Committee in August 2013.
The draft constitution contains all the contentious clauses President Sata is opposing including the 50+1 threshold to elect a president, a presidential running mate and dual citizenship clause, among others.
Only available on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ZambianWatchdog

[1] The Zambian Watchdog, a private online publication which exposes alleged government corruption, has been blocked by the government. See: http://www.humanipo.com/news/6901/zambian-watchdog-accuses-government-of-blocking-their-site/

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