Visit of the Superior General of the MSOLA Sisters in Chinsapo, Malawi

Chinsapo Rainbow Home Based Care 01Thanks to Father Julio Feliu who sent few pictures from St. Denis Ssebuggwawo Parish in Lilongwe. The Superior General of the MSOLA, Sister Carmen Sammut, together with Sister Maria del Carmen Ocon Moteno, General Assistant and the Provincial, Sister Margaret Kennedy.
On their last leg, they came to see the work that Dr Catherine Booth is doing at Rainbow Home Based Care Centre.
The youngsters were delighted with their visit and so were the visitors. “Pity we do not have Sisters for such programme” is the same answer of every Congregation of Sisters coming to see us.

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See also:
Visit of MSOLA Sisters at Woodlands
Chinsapo Rainbow Home Based Care Centre in Pictures, Lilongwe, Malawi