A Time to Forgive – South Africa

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAFr. Louis Blondel, M.Afr, was brutally murdered in a botched robbery in his mission, in Diepsloot a township south west of Pretoria, South Africa in the early hours of Monday December 7th 2009. The robbers, all teenagers had gained access to the mission through a window, awakened a fellow missionary in the house (Fr. Guido Bourgeois); helped themselves to a watch, mobile phone, two second-hand computers and the equivalent of $5; when Fr. Louis was also awakened by the commotion, as he opened his bedroom door to investigate, a single shot rang out that killed him instantly. The assailant and other four ran in panic! (…)
In the course of 2013 the condemned young man through the intermediary of his sister approached Fr. Sean saying that he wanted to be forgiven.  (…) READ MORE
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Father Louis Blondel Centre

Opening of the Fr. Louis Blondel Centre Diepsloot, South Africa