Closing of the academic year 2013-2014 at Fraternité Lavigerie, Abidjan

Fraternité Lavigerie, Abidjan copieThe academic year 2013-2014 came to an end on Friday 13thJune 2014 with a wonderful Eucharistic celebration and a party to mark our brotherhood. There are so many reasons for which we are convinced that such an event is worth remembering. It remains a very important event in our missionary journey, nourishing our apostolic ministry as missionaries. This official closing event lead us to make an evaluation of the year to be remembered.
Our closing ceremony was a good moment to thank God. We are so grateful to him for what the academic year had been. To express it, each team was given a particular characteristic of our community life to present on behalf of the whole community. They were divided into four aspects: spiritual life, academics, community life and our apostolic presence in Abidjan.
The sending off of deacons to their areas of mission is worth mentioning. They were invited to give true witness of Jesus Christ by giving a responsibility to their young brothers in order to continue the same path. They offered a candle to the promotion which will be entering its third year at “Fraternité Lavigerie” to show unity and togetherness as Missionaries of Africa.
In his homily, Fr. Georges Jacques emphasized the importance of prayer in priesthood if we really want to remain happy in our missionary journey. Prayer is influencing our daily way of living. Remaining faithful to it will help us to persevere while experiencing difficult moments in life.
By Humphrey Mukuka

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