Paul Kitha’s knee operation in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire

Paul-Kitha-Abidjan-01-b1In 2010 at the Noviciat in Kasama, Zambia, Paul was first injured on his knee during a football match. The X-Ray at the General Hospital did not showed any fractures. By then, he did not know how serious it was. Unfortunately, he got injured during another football match at Fraternité Lavigerie in September 2012. He went for X-Ray once again in Abidjan but they could not find any fracture neither. It is at the beginning of this year that he started experiencing some difficulties in walking. Since then, he had been taking medical checkups at the “Polyclinique des Deux Plateaux”. According to the medical results, the crossed ligaments of his left knee got detached due to the injury. He was advised by the doctor to be operated. Hence, the right moment to carry out this particular operation was during the holidays so as not to disturb Paul’s academic year.
You may think that it concerns the whole leg but, in order to carry out this operation, the doctors took some muscles from some parts of his left leg. It is for this reason that the whole leg is bandaged and not only the knee. He is currently taking medicine to ease the pain. He is able to move with the help of walking sticks though with difficulties. Moreover, he should not step on the ground for a period of six weeks before removing the bandage.
Actually, Paul is at home where some members of the community continue to take care to their fellow brother. As the operation went on successfully, we keep on hoping that he will recover very quickly. Let us all unite our prayers for him.
Humphrey Mukuka 

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