Lightning Strikes Twice – Lilongwe, Malawi

William TurnbullFor the second time in two and a half months we had visitors at the Sector House in Area 3, Lilongwe. This time they broke into three cars: mine, Julio’s and Denis-Paul’s old car. One more than last time and using the same methods.
Only a few Kwacha was taken from my car after they removed a window.  I have not replaced what was stolen in May. Julio had his stereo, battery, jack, and tyre wrench taken after removing a window in the canopy. They took the battery, jack and tyre wrench from Denis-Paul’s car but left the car intact. The problem now comes with replacing the window rubber seals that, from experience, can take up to three weeks just to find second hand ones.
It looks as if the robbery was carried out by the same people as before and that we are running a self-service for thieves in Area 3. So much for Malawi being a peaceful country when such thefts, often with violence, are occurring and often with violence.
Once again thank God that no one was hurt and the thieves did not enter the house.
All this on the eve on the AMECEA Plenary meeting.
Bill Turnbull M.Afr

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