MIMSAF Recollection – 19th July 2014

MIMSAF LOGO_modifié-1MIMSAF members are reminder for the recollection which will be on 19th July 2014 at St Bonaventure Chapel in Makeni.  The recollection will start at 09:00 hours and will be led by the MIMSAF Chaplain Fr. Vitalis Owino.
Please bring your bible and a light lunch.
For people requiring transport to Makeni (especially from Kabwata) please be at the Kabwata Parish at 08:00 hrs departure at 08:30 hrs.
For more information please contact Mr Phillip Chimponda.
Please remember also to bring the K100 contribution towards the ordination of Emmanuel Mubanga in Minga.
Mrs. Sikateyo, MIMSAF Secretary

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