The Ordination to Priesthood of Itungabose Benjamin, M.Afr, on July 12, 2014

Benjamin-Itungabose-2014My ordination took place in the parish grounds of Jene Parish in Ngozi Diocese. The Mass started by a long procession which began from the main church. Many priests and religious as well as thousands of Christians were present to witness the event. Mgr. Gervais Banshimiyubusa, Bishop of Ngozi, ordained nine young men to priesthood, eight to diaconate, six were instituted acolytes and ten received the ministry of reader. The ceremony took about four and half hours. A number of Missionaries of Africa attended the ceremony; Bigeziki Francois Xavier, the Assistant Provincial of PAC, Jean de Dieu Bukuru, Boguslaw Zero, Jean Bosco Nibigira, Bernard Lesay as well as some missionary candidates. The MSOLA Sisters were represented by Sr. Victoire Niyonzima.
It was a joyful day. In his remarks the Bishop expressed his gratitude to the Missionaries of Africa who gave him the chance to ordain a Missionary of Africa for the first time. The Mass ended at 15:00 hrs and was followed by a reception.
My mother Leoncie, my brothers Bosco, Bernard and Renovat as well as my sister Jeanine, my two aunts, Generose and Aloysia, my cousin Evelyn and my godfather Alexandre and his wife were present. It was a memorable event and I had never felt such a great joy in my heart. After the reception we went back to Nyamurenza, my home parish, to wait for the thanksgiving Mass which took place the following day.
I give thanks to Almighty God who has chosen me to be his servant and sent me to share my missionary joy with the people of Kasamba Parish in Mansa Diocese in Zambia.
Itungabose Benjamin, M.Afr

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FENZA Welcome to Zambia Course 2014

Welcome to Zambia 2014 course attracted eleven participants: six students of the Missionaries of Africa who are appointed to Zambia for two years of pastoral experience in parishes; two Comboni sisters who have been working in Zambia for some time; a Fidei Donum priest from Poland who has just taken up an appointment in the Catholic Diocese of Kabwe and finally a couple from the USA.
An input on intercultural communication was added to the program this year. It aims at helping the participants to mitigate the cultural shocks they might experience.
The speakers were the staff of FENZA and invited professionals or experts in topics covered. They enthusiastically came to share insights with the participants to help them deepen their knowledge and appreciate better the dynamics of life in Zambia.
Beneficiating from an active participation of the attendants, the updated insightful presentations from the speakers and the chance to encounter or interact with different people, we are glad to say that the program has been successful. 
Picture: Daniel and Andrea Kaiser

CJTR Lusaka Press Release September 2014

JCTR LusakaGreetings from JCTR,
We are happy as always to share with you the latest Basic Needs Basket for Lusaka and accompanying Press Release. We hope this information is helpful for you.
To get more on this and other JCTR activities, please visit our Website, follow us on Twitter, like our Facebook page or contact us on the address and numbers indicated below. We also invite you to visit our well stocked resource room for your research and other information needs.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions, requests or comments. We always appreciate your feedback on how you are using the Basket.
Mwiinga Shimilimo (Miss)
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Press Release
The Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (JCTR) has noted with great concern that poor infrastructure, particularly in the area of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) are a hindrance to enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights especially for people with disabilities. READ MORE
Press Release 12th September 2014
The Zambian Government through Ministry of Finance recently issued the Green paper. The Green Paper is a tentative government report and consultation document of policy proposals for debate and discussion usually without any commitment to action. The Green Paper in this case therefore provides details of Government’s current thinking as it prepares the 2015 Budget. The Ministry of Finance in its green paper states that the 2015 budget is premised on Government’s unwavering commitment to enhancing inclusive growth and advance social justice, so that all Zambians can benefit from the impressive economic growth the Country have been experiencing. READ MORE