CJTR Lusaka Press Release September 2014

JCTR LusakaGreetings from JCTR,
We are happy as always to share with you the latest Basic Needs Basket for Lusaka and accompanying Press Release. We hope this information is helpful for you.
To get more on this and other JCTR activities, please visit our Website, follow us on Twitter, like our Facebook page or contact us on the address and numbers indicated below. We also invite you to visit our well stocked resource room for your research and other information needs.
Do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions, requests or comments. We always appreciate your feedback on how you are using the Basket.
Mwiinga Shimilimo (Miss)
E-mail: basicjctr@jesuits.org.zm  Website: www.jctr.org.zm
Press Release
The Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (JCTR) has noted with great concern that poor infrastructure, particularly in the area of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) are a hindrance to enjoyment of economic, social and cultural rights especially for people with disabilities. READ MORE
Press Release 12th September 2014
The Zambian Government through Ministry of Finance recently issued the Green paper. The Green Paper is a tentative government report and consultation document of policy proposals for debate and discussion usually without any commitment to action. The Green Paper in this case therefore provides details of Government’s current thinking as it prepares the 2015 Budget. The Ministry of Finance in its green paper states that the 2015 budget is premised on Government’s unwavering commitment to enhancing inclusive growth and advance social justice, so that all Zambians can benefit from the impressive economic growth the Country have been experiencing. READ MORE

Upon leaving Zambia for home service – Mike Merizzi

Michel-Merizzi 2014Upon leaving Zambia for home service, I would like to express my thanks for the many happy years spent in Zambia. First of all to my Lord and Savior who has always given me the graces that I needed to face the many challenges which I met during my various assignments. I wish to thank all my confreres, young and old, for their support and cooperation throughout those years. I also was able to express my gratitude to the local Church communities for their faith and commitment. In recent months I have felt being evangelized by the poor.
It is time for me to bid farewell to all. Past generations of Missionaries of Africa expected to die and to be buried in Africa; and many of them did so. My own generation has come to terms with the fact being laid to rest in Zambian soil, is no longer a right but a privilege.
The French say “partir c’est mourir”. Others may say with Shakespeare “parting is such sweet sorrow”.  I leave Zambia with a grateful heart. Shalenipo Umutende. United in prayer.
Mike Merizzi, M.Afr

Oswald Payant’s 100th birthday

Oswald Payant 100 years 02I’m just back from the celebration of Oswald Payant’s 100th birthday. He was in a rather good shape, following everything, smiling, praying with the whole community, very happy to see so many of his nephews and nieces and all the guests that were there including a real large number of confreres. Oswald’s birthday took place on the 7th September on the very day of his birthday.
Greetings to all and God bless.
Gilles Barrette, M.Afr
Pictures from Denis Laliberté, M.Afr

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A Word of Thanks from Emmanuel Chisanga Mubanga, M.Afr

Emmanuel-Mubanga-JPGHeartfelt greetings to all of you!
2nd and 3rd August 2014 will always remain memorable days in my life as a Catholic and as a Missionary priest. First and foremost, I would like to thank God who invites me to participate in His mission and Bishop George Cosmas Zumaile Lungu who shared part of his priesthood with me. I would like to thank all the Missionaries of Africa in Zambia and beyond for their support and love that they showed during my ordination in Minga and my Maiden Mass in Kalichero. I really felt well surrounded and supported. Even those who did not make it for various reasons, I know that you were with me in spirit and joined yourselves to my family and I in prayer and thanksgiving. To all of you, may God grant peace of heart and inner joy in your vocation. As I go to Mali for my first mandate, I commend myself to your prayers and your moral support.
Emmanuel Chisanga Mubanga, M.Afr