Greetings from Victor Sambari Sanou, stagiaire at Saint Anne Parish in Kasama, Zambia

Victor Sanou_modifié-2I renewed my Declaration of Intent on the 14th December after three days of silence and meditation. This is an important step for me. It gave me an opportunity to have a look at my vocations’ journey. I was inspired by the passage of John 1, 35-51: “We have found the Messiah”. After five years of discernment with the Missionaries of Africa, I still feel the need to look into my motivations, my desires and my personality. I still continue my journey to follow Jesus Christ and to answer his call.

This third Sunday of Advent, I was happy to renew my Declaration of Intent during the English Mass. I felt the support of the parishioners and the novices from Lua-Luo formation house. I am not alone in my search. In his homely, Father Pierre Lafollie emphasised on the humility of John the Baptist, the messenger of Jesus Christ.

I am ready to continue following Jesus. I am listening to Him by welcoming his message. I pray for myself and for my fellow stagiares. May The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of vocations intercedes for us.

I thank my community members for their help and fraternal correction. I thank my Delegate Superior and Provincial for the care they show to all of us. I thank our Brother Venerato Babaine, the Coordinator of the stagiares, for his dedication and zeal in travelling long distances and to listen to us. May God continue to call young people to join the Missionaries of Africa.

One thought on “Greetings from Victor Sambari Sanou, stagiaire at Saint Anne Parish in Kasama, Zambia

  1. Chewe Mwape

    Congratulations Bro!!!!! as the parish and youth of St Annie’s we are happy to have you pray for us as we continue praying for you.

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