Death of the father of Christophe Boyer, M.Afr

Christophe BoyerMany have expressed their condolences on WhatsApp to Christopher Boyer who lost his father Henri (Jules Benoit) Boyer who died this morning (7th Feb) in Essonnes, France, where he was hospitalized. He was 83 years old. Christophe is flying tomorrow to attend the funerals which will take place on Thursday morning in St-Laurent d’Olt.

We wish to express to him our sincere condolences. 

5 thoughts on “Death of the father of Christophe Boyer, M.Afr

  1. mafrsaprovince

    From various sources such as Facebook and e-mails:
    My sincere condolences Chris. I will put him in prayer and all of us will keep you in prayer in this meeting.May he rest in peace. Christopher Chileshe
    May he rest in heavenly peace! Teresa Gustavo Sansom
    My sympathies! May he RIP. John Aserbire
    Sorry may his soul rest in eternal peace. Kondemodre Albert
    May he rest in heavenly peace! Teresa Gustavo Sansom
    Condoléances Christophe! Que notre papa repose en paix!
    Sorry may his soul rest in eternal peace. Kondemodre Albert
    Condoléances Christophe! Que notre papa repose en paix! Georges Jacques
    Condoléances à Chris et RIP à son papa. Richard Kuuia Baawobr
    Sincère condoléance à vous et ses proches. Louise Bissonnette
    May he rest in peace, courage bro. Antony Alckias
    Thanks to tell us about Christopher Boyer’s father’s death. United in prayer. Jean-Luc Gouiller
    Nous sommes en union de prières avec Christophe. Fraternellement. Patrick Bataille

  2. Jean-Marie Hougardy, M.Afr

    Je viens d’apprendre la triste nouvelle de la mort de ton père hier. Je t’écris ces quelques mots pour te dire que je suis de tout coeur avec toi. Je prie pour ton père, toi-même et toute ta famille. Avec toute mon amitié.Jean-Marie Hougardy

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