Mass with the Francophone Catholic Community of Lusaka

Eric-2014 JPGBy Eric Kambale Hasivirwe, stagiaire in Lumimba, Zambia

On this second Sunday of Lent, I was invited by Father Serge St-Arneault to St. Ignatius Parish to attend Mass with the Francophone Catholic Community composed of people from any country where French language is spoken. Father Serge is their Chaplain. On this day, the Church welcomed two new members who were baptized namely Pacôme and Grace, sons of Dr. Guy Somwe and Dr. Patrick Bukasa, both medical Doctors at the University Teaching Hospital (UTH). It was a great opportunity for us also to renew our baptism promises. In his homely, on the day of the transfiguration of Jesus on the mountain, the main celebrant invited us to imitate “the Son of God” by refusing the glory of this world only possible trough true love.

After Mass, we had a social gathering. It was a great moment for me to meet people from my home country; D.R. Congo. I took advantage of it to brush up my French as well as my Kiswahili.

I even met somebody from Butembo, my hometown. I heard the name of Mr. Kalyoto from my birth. But on this day I was privileged to meet him face to face. This really made my day. I am so happy to have been invited by Father Serge for this Mass as it was a great opportunity for me to meet different people of the Francophone Catholic Community of Lusaka

Finally, I would like to invite you all to join this community as long as you can speak French.

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