Death of the father of John Itaru, M.Afr in Zambia

John-Itaru-2014Dear confreres, I come through this email to inform you that my father Fabian Itaru Kavishe passed away today the 19th of March in Dar es Salaam – Tanzania. He was sick for relatively short time. I am in Lusaka Zambia and hopeful I will be heading to Tanzania within the next days.

I county on your prayers during this painful moment especially for my mother who must it very difficult to bear.

May his soul rest in Peace.

Fr. John Itaru, M.Afr

52 thoughts on “Death of the father of John Itaru, M.Afr in Zambia

  1. Kamambwe Lubungo, M.Afr

    Heartfelt condolences for the sad news. I would like to assure you my prayers for you mum and the rest of the family.
    Fraternally, Kamambwe Lubungo

  2. Pierre Lafollie, M.Afr

    Please convey my sympathies, and the assurance of our prayers for his father, mother, John himself and the rest of the family. May his father rest in the peace and joy of the Lord. Pierre Lafollie, M.Afr

    1. John ITARU. M.Afr

      Dear Pierre, my sincere thanks for your prayers. We certainly need them especially this moment. Be blessed.

  3. Paul Johnston, M.Afr

    As I don’t have an e-mail address for John Itaru, can you please pass on my personal condolences and those of our community here?
    Please assure him of our prayers at this time. Paul Johnston, M.Afr

    1. John ITARU. M.Afr

      Dear Paul! Thanks very much for your support and prayers! At last I am back to Lusaka. ll went well and may God be glorified for everything! Regards

  4. Romaric Bationo, M.Afr

    Sorry John!
    That’s shocking! So sudden! Please count me among those who carry you in prayer.
    May your father rest in Christ’s peace.
    With sincere sympathy. Fraternally, Romaric Bationo, M.Afr

    1. John ITARU. M.Afr

      For sure Romaric, it is rather sudden! I think it is a reminder that we need to stay always awake for we never know the hour! Thanks for your support.

  5. Geoffrey Mucani

    My condolences dear John!! may your dad find a peaceful rest in the Lord, and consolation of the Lord to you and the whole family!
    Union de prières! Geoffrey Mucani

    1. John ITARU. M.Afr

      Ndugu yangu Geoffrey!
      Thanks very much for your support and prayers! At last I am back to Lusaka. ll went well and may God be glorified for everything! Regards and God bless you.

  6. John Aserbire, M.Afr

    Many thanks for the sad news of the passing on of the Dad of our confrere John Itaru. I have just sent him a word of condolence and our prayerful support.
    Best wishes. John Aserbire, M.Afr

  7. Timothée Bationo, M.Afr

    Dear Brother
    in my name and the name of all our confreres of Mozambique I want assure you of our prayer for the soul of your father. We are praying the Good Lord to console you and your entire family. This time is hard and our consolation is coming from the fact of our faith in the Resurrection.
    I am right with father Jos and I will inform him tomorrow morning.
    May the Soul of Daddy rest in Peace.
    God bless you. Fraternally yours Padre Tim

    1. John ITARU. M.Afr

      Hi Tim and all the sector of Mozambic. May you be blessed for the support. I appreciate. United in prayers.

  8. Alain Christian Muhineza, M.Afr

    Condolences John. It’s sad indeed, but we shall pray for you and your family! Alain Christian Muhineza, M.Afr

    1. John ITARU. M.Afr

      Indeed Christian! Your prayers are highly important for us especially during this moment. Greetings to Western Power! 🙂

  9. Leonard HATEGEKIMANA, M.Afr

    My deepest and sincere condolences John. You and your dear family are more than ever in our prayers.May the Soul of your dearest father rest in perfect peace! United in prayers! Leonard HATEGEKIMANA, M.Afr

    1. John ITARU. M.Afr

      Bwana nashukuru! It sounds like a movie but apparently it is true! Thanks for being there Leonard during moment.

  10. John Mubanga, M.Afr

    Pole. May the good Lord welcome the soul of our father Fabian into his kingdom and console the family remaining.
    John Mubanga, M.Afr, Nairobi.

  11. Joe McMenamim, M.Afr

    My sincerest condolences on the death of your beloved father May he rest in Peace. This is a vey sad time for you and your family . Be assured we are united with you in your sorrow and especially in our prayers. May the good Lord bl.ess you and your family with his Peace in this time of sorrow. Joe McMenamim, M.Afr

  12. Mike Mawelera, M.Afr

    Please, recieve my sincere condolences for the death of you Father. I indeed pray for you and your family. May he Reast In God’s Eternal Peace!
    Mike Mawelera, M.Afr

  13. Marc Nsanzurwimo, M.Afr

    Pole saana for the sad news of the passing over of our dearest father. May the Good Lord console you and your family in this painful moment. May he rest in eternal peace. Marc Nsanzurwimo, M.Afr

    1. John ITARU. M.Afr

      Thanks Marc, as we believe, a christian does not die, he only passes from this world to the Father. Be blessed.

  14. John Amona, M.Afr

    Itaru Fabian Kavishe,
    My sincere condolences for the passing away of our dear father. May his sou rest in perfect peace. John Amona, M.Afr

  15. Florent Sawadogo, M.Afr

    Sorry John. My sincere condolences. In Mozambique, at the sector house, we are praying for you and for your family. Florent Sawadogo, M.Afr

    1. John ITARU. M.Afr

      Cher Florent!
      Thanks very much for your support and prayers! At last I am back to Lusaka. lt went well and may God be glorified for everything! Regards. Sois benit!

  16. Bill Turnbull, M.Afr

    Please pass on our condolences to John and his family on the death of his father. May he rest in peace.
    Our prayers are with John and his family.
    Yours, Bill Turnbull, M.Afr

    1. John ITARU. M.Afr

      Dear Bill!
      Thanks very much for your support and prayers! At last I am back to Lusaka. lt went well and may God be glorified for everything! Regards and God bless you!

  17. Estima Dago do Rosàrio

    Aló Pe. John,
    Venho por esta lhe desejar minhas sentidas condolências por esta noticia sentimental que bateu a sua porta!
    Para que Deus lhe dê a consolação junto com a sua familia neste momento de tristeza.
    Que a sua alma discanse eternamente. Estima Dago do Rosàrio

    1. John ITARU. M.Afr

      Meu irmao Dago!
      Muito obrigado! Suas oracoes eram uma consolacao! Acabei de voltar e tudo correu bem gracas a Deus e a suas oracoes! God bless you always!

  18. Humphrey Mukuka, M.Afr

    Oh, it’s really so sad to hear this. I wish you all my condonlences. May the loving Lord be with you and with your family during this sad moment. I am united with you in prayer. Humphrey Mukuka, M.Afr

    1. John ITARU. M.Afr

      Thanks very much Mukuka for your support and prayers! At last I am back to Lusaka. lt went well and may God be glorified for everything! Regards and God bless you!

    1. John ITARU. M.Afr

      Thanks very much Jean for your support and prayers! At last I am back to Lusaka. lt went well and may God be glorified for everything! Regards and God bless you!

  19. Dave Cullen, M.Afr

    It was sad news to hear of the death of John’s father. Today especially when we gather together as a community for prayer we shall pray very for John and all his family, as also ask the Lord to take his father into his everlasting joy. Dave Cullen, M.Afr

    1. John ITARU. M.Afr

      Thanks very much Dave for your support and prayers! At last I am back to Lusaka. lt went well and may God be glorified for everything! Regards and God bless you!

  20. Piet van Heijst., M.Afr

    My sympathy with the death of your father. Be assured of my prayers for you and your family especially for your mother in this time of pain and grieve when having to let go of your father. May the lord strenghten you and your family at this time.
    Remaining United in prayer, your confrere Piet van Heijst.

    1. John ITARU. M.Afr

      Thanks Piet! I am sure that your prayers were listened. All went well and i am back to Lusaka. God bless you.

  21. John itaru

    Dear confreres, as I am in the village with limited internet access, may I again thank you for all your support. You mean a lot for us during this challenging time. John Itaru, M.Afr

    1. Sawadogo Rayimwendé Patrice, M.Afr

      Yaako my brother. We keep on imploring God that our deceased father may rest in peace and that you may all find consolation and support in him.
      Courage et espérance! Sawadogo Rayimwendé Patrice

      1. John ITARU. M.Afr

        Thanks very much Patrice for your support and prayers! At last I am back to Lusaka. lt went well and may God be glorified for everything! Regards and God bless you!

  22. Vickness Nangogo Muleya, M.S.O.L.A.

    I am very sorry for the loss of your Father. May the Lord who knew suffering comfort and strengthen you and your family in this difficult time.
    United in prayer, Vickness Nangogo Muleya

    1. John ITARU. M.Afr

      Dear Vick! I appreciate and may you be blessed. At last I am back to Lusaka. lt went well and may God be glorified for everything! Regards and God bless you!

  23. Venerato Babaine, M.Afr

    Itaru we are with you and pray for you. Death humbles all of us. Grieve your dad and be with those who are still alive! Venerato Babaine, M.Afr

  24. Dave Sullivan, M.Afr

    Dear John,
    We were very sorry to hear of the death of your father. We have just returned from our retreat with the novices in Maua (which is possibly not very far from your place). As we had no Internet coverage we only learned of this sad event today. Be assured of our prayers for your father, yourself and all your family.
    God bless
    Dave Sullivan, M.Afr

    1. John ITARU. M.Afr

      Dear Dave and community, again Thanks very much for your support and prayers! At last I am back to Lusaka. lt went well and may God be glorified for everything! Regards and God bless you!

  25. Pingback: My sincere thanks! | Missionaries of Africa – SAP Province

  26. Rey Yap

    Dear Father John, Me and my family extends our most hearfelt and belated condelences to the death of your father. On the occasion of his 1st death anniversary tomorrow, March 19, 2016, we continue to pray for the eternal repose of his soul. We wish you and your family always well, may God continue to bless and shower you with his blessings, as well as all the things that you do… Rey and Rye Yap/Cebu City Philippines

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