Mafrwestafrica – Lettre du 15 mars 2015

cropped-mafrwestafrica-02.jpgAujourd’hui, les Missionnaires d’Afrique de l’Ouest vous proposent de visiter de nouvelles pages sur leur site :

Dans la rubrique « Actualités » :

« Merrivale en Afrique du Sud », Merrivale est la plus récente des maisons de formation de quatrième étape. Elle a été ouverte en 2008. Il y a présentement 23 étudiants. (lire la suite) 

« 50 ans du « SEDOS » » c’est le 7 décembre 1965 qu’était publié le décret « Ad Gentes ». Le Service de Documentation et d’Études sur la Mission fête donc ses 50 ans (lire la suite)

« Lettre de Laghouat Ghardaia, mars 2015 », la dernière lettre publiée par Mgr Claude Rault, évêque de ce diocèse. (lire la suite)

Dans la rubrique « Témoignages »,

« 50 ans de « Ad Gentes » au Brésil » : un symposium missionnaire a été organisé pour célébrer ce décret du concile Vatican II. Notre confrère Moussa Serge Traore y a participé (lire la suite) 

« Lettre pastorale de la CERNA », – Conférence des Évêques de la Région du Nord de l’Afrique -, un texte assez long mais qui donne beaucoup d’exemples concrets. (lire la suite) 

« Relais Maghreb mars 2015 » deux textes du Provincial du Maghreb, et l’accès à l’intégralité du bulletin de la Province. (lire la suite) 

« L’alphabétisation », un article du Père Jean Moriaud sur son apprentissage de la langue « bisa » il y a de cela de nombreuses années. (lire la suite)

Dans la rubrique « Dialogue interreligieux » :

« Un dialogue indispensable », partout dans le monde, de la Syrie à l’Inde, mais pas évident à instaurer, car l’intégrisme est de plus en plus un obstacle très inquiétant. (lire la suite)

Dans la rubrique « Justice et Paix » 

« Soudan, Mauritanie, Allemagne » trois textes pris sur le site de l’ARCRE : guerre au Soudan, racisme en Allemagne, esclavagisme en Mauritanie (lire la suite)

Dans la rubrique « Vu au sud, vu du sud »

« Résistances culturelles à la prévention d’Ébola » Cet article du Père Bernard Ugeux permet de comprendre combien il est difficile de demander aux africains de vivre isolés les uns des autres. (lire la suite)

Let us celebrate together our Consecration to the Lord!

Cardinal Mazombwe Funeral 01

Sisters, Brothers and Priests are cordially invited to the Chrism Mass on 26th March, at 09:30 hrs at the Cathedral of the Child Jesus to be followed by a luncheon. Bearing in mind this year’s theme; “Consecrated Life and Integral Development”. His Grace Archbishop Telesphore George Mpundu invites you all for this celebration in appreciation of the presence and works of all Consecrated Religious men and women in the Archdiocese of Lusaka. Looking forward to your coming and participation!

 Let us celebrate together our Consecration to the Lord!


Meeting of confreres in their first term of mission in SAP, Chipoka, Malawi

Frédéric Ajaruva Bedijo, Deogratius Ngowi, Norbert Nkingwa, Saju Jose Akkara, Florent Sibiri Sawadogo, Kombé dit Moïse Yébédié, Boris Yabre and Simeon Kalore.
Frédéric Ajaruva Bedijo, Deogratius Ngowi, Norbert Nkingwa, Saju Jose Akkara, Florent Sibiri Sawadogo, Kombé dit Moïse Yébédié, Boris Yabre and Simeon Kalore.

By Norbert Nkingwa, M.Afr

Between the 2nd and 7th March 2015, six young confreres in their first term of mission in Southern Province (SAP) held their meeting in Malawi along the lake shore of Malawi at Chitsulo Conference Centre at Chipoka (between Salima and Mua). The confreres who took part includes Frédéric Ajaruva Bedijo, Norbert Nkingwa, Saju Jose Akkara, Florent Sibiri Sawadogo, Boris Yabre and Simeon Kalore.

The meeting was animated by Deogratias Ngowi and Kombé Dit Moïse Yébédié. The young confreres shared their experiences, the joy and challenges they faced with in their first term as Missionaries. It was also a moment to relax and recharge their batteries, ready to resume their mission with renewed zeal. The sharing was very enriching and a learning experience. The meeting was animated with a spirit of openness, brotherly and fraternity. All confreres were happy and grateful to the SAP Province for giving them that precious opportunity.

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Words of thanks of Jean-Louis Godinot to all who sent him words of encouragement.

Hand-of-Jean-Louis-March-20BJean-Louis Godinot came back to Zambia on the 13th March 2015 in good spirit and health. His surgery took place in France on the 12th January with a complete success even though he will need a second surgery late on to fix a prosthesis. At the moment, a piece of metal and some kind of ‘cement’ is holding his hand, especially his index. Jean-Louis needs a special black glove to help for blood circulation.

As you know, he was unable to use adequately Internet at home but takes this opportunity to thank all who sent him a word of encouragement and they are many.

Please, find the story on the following Internet link CrocBITE Worldwide Crocodilian Attack Database. The only thing missing is his age, only 67 years old… ready for another fight!

CrocBITE LogoSaturday, 20 December, 2014

A French missionary named Jean-Louis Godinot was attacked by a Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) while crossing the Lukulu River at approximately 3:05 PM. At this location the river was approximately 80 meters wide and upon reaching within 20 meters of the opposite shore, a crocodile (estimated to be 2-2.5 meters in length) seized Godinot’s left hand and dragged him to the river bottom (approximately 2 meters deep at this location). The crocodile apparently began rolling and Godinot pushed his index and major fingers into the crocodile’s eyes. He managed to come up twice for air but was dragged back under both times. The last time he was pulled under he was in shallow water and could stand. This allowed him to fight back more and he again gouged the crocodile’s eyes, causing it to release him. His left hand was badly damaged and he was initially treated at a hospital in Kasama before being transferred to France for surgery. Godinot states that, while at one time the African slender-snouted crocodile (Mecistops cataphractus) was present in the river, he recognized the crocodile that attacked him to be a Nile crocodile (C. niloticus).

Jean-Louis Crocs Website 2

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Some news of Jean-Louis Godinot (Mpundu) who was attacked by a crocodile in December 2014.

Henk van Kessel appointed Knight of the Order of Orange, Chipata, Zambia.

Henk-van-Kessel-Knight-02_AAwarded for those with special merits Henk van Kessel was appointed Kinght of the Order of Orange for his service to the Zambian people and Church over the past 62 years.

By Jean-Luc Gouiller, Kalongwezi, Chipata, on 10th March 2015

The ceremonial decoration took place on 21st February 2015. Henk remembers well the name of the Lady Ambassador: “Gera Sneller”. She cares for three countries: Zimbabwe where she lives as an Ambassador, Malawi and Zambia. She came by road to Chipata as a tourist.

She arrived at our place in mid-morning. I welcomed her, then presented Henk the hero of the day, the Auxiliary Bishop Mgr. Benjamin Phiri, Fr. Christopher Sakala Parish Priest of the Cathedral and Fr. Jacob Zulu in charge of communications in the Diocese. Then the whole Kalongwezi community was presented, plus of course Toon van Kessel from Lusaka – Henk’s cousin, and our cook Evarista Zulu.

Knight of the Order of Orange medal copieThe Ambassador told us a little about her, and then it was the time of the ceremony, simple but pleasant. Toon recalled the life of Henk and especially his sixty two years in Africa, all spent in what is presently the Diocese of Chipata, an extraordinary length of time indeed. Toon ended by saying: May be Henk has not done very great things, but he has done plenty of small things in a great way.

The Ambassador expressed her pleasure to be the one called to decorate somebody with such a life in Africa. Then everything was ready: Henk was decorated as “Knight of the Order of Orange”.  Some pictures were taken, which a little later were already presented as a souvenir to him and to the Ambassador. The whole time Henk was at his best. Indeed, even if he was not ready to travel far away for the decoration, he very much appreciated it. And we all enjoyed to be witnesses to his decoration

Blessed be the Lord for such a life and such a day.

To end it all, after a gift or two to be added to the feast, lunch was the occasion to go on talking, listening to some experiences from the Ambassador and talking ourselves about our past and present life in Zambia.

A question remains: what is the historical background of being a “Knight of the Order of Orange”?

The first thing to remember is probably that, after a long history, it is said that the people of the Netherlands (the Low Lands), managed to organise themselves as a Republic in 1579, with Guillaume d’Orange. After many changes along the following centuries, the Netherlands finally became a State of its own in 1830, under the Kings of the Family of Orange. … until nowadays. No wonder that the name of being a “Knight of the Order of Orange” is very appropriate.

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