Garisa attack in Kenya that left 148 dead

Maurice Aduol Odhiambo 05I greet you in the name of the Risen Christ; Happy Easter to all. Yesterday I received a message from home that a cousin of mine by the name Suzanne (from the same maternal grandfather), was among those who perished during the Garisa attack. She was in her final year of studies. Let us remember the entire family at this difficult moment and pray for her soul and all the souls of those who died during this attack that may their souls through the mercy of God may rest in peace. AMEN! 

Maurice Aduol Odhiambo, 1st Year Theology, Merrivale, South Africa 

garissa-attack Kenya 2015

Kenyan families mourn their best and brightest after Garissa attack

7 thoughts on “Garisa attack in Kenya that left 148 dead

  1. John Fabian Itaru, M.Afr

    So sad to hear this Maurice! May the almighty touch the hearts of people who inflict such unnecessary pain to others. May your cousin, now a marty, soul rest on peace. God console the family.
    United in prayers. John Fabian Itaru, M.Afr

  2. David Cullen, M.Afr

    I share the sadness of Maurice and his family at the killing of Suzanne and her fellow students. We shall remember them all in our community and individual prayers. David Cullen, M.Afr

  3. Willem Kerkhof, M.Afr

    My heartfelt condolences to you and your family and all the people of Kenya. One wonders where our world has gotten too with all this senseless killing of innocent people, especially the young people. Our Lord is risen but great parts of the world are still in the dark and we pray that the Power of the Spirit may disperse the darkness and bring light instead.
    They also threaten Uganda and especially the area of Jinja. We hope there will be enough security to protect people there.
    May the Risen Lord bring consolation also to all those who mourn.
    Willem Kerkhof, M.Afr

  4. Geoffrey Mucani

    Pole sana Maurice for this loss of your cousin during the attack in Garissa, tuko pamoja kwa maombi and may her soul rest in eternal peace, Amen!
    My condelences to you and your family! Courage mon frère! Geoffrey Mucani

  5. Sincere condolences. It is very difficult to comprehend what the remaining students saw with their own eyes and the dead ones went through at the ordeal of the attackers. Only God saw it all!

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