Our New SAP Provincial – Stanley Lubungo

Stanislas_LubunboDear Confreres,

Greetings from Woodlands.

I bring you good news! We have a new Provincial Superior for our dear Province! The Superior General has appointed Stanley Lubungo as our new Provincial from 1st July 2015 to 30th June 2018.

I would like to say a big CONGRATULATION to all of you for your voice and participation in this appointment. Congratulations also to Stan for accepting the appointment, indeed the wish of the confreres in the province.

One of the values we have maintained in our mega province is that of our closeness to Christ and the good will to do his mission together as confreres. During the recent consultation this was clearly expressed through your patience, respect and the fraternal advices you shared.

As we move into the next era of our beloved province my wish is that we continue in this same spirit especially during the period that the new leadership will be getting into place and settling down. Christ never fails, as long as we remain united with him, our province will also continue to excel.

Congratulations to all and God bless you.


 Christopher Chileshe

12 thoughts on “Our New SAP Provincial – Stanley Lubungo

  1. André Thijs, M.Afr

    Chers Confrères de SAP,
    Avec toutes les félicitations de la PAC à Stanislas et toute la province de SAP! Nos souhaits de bon travail, santé, bonheur et joie ! Communion de prière fraternelle et travail pour le Royaume du Seigneur en Afrique !
    André Thijs, M.Afr, secrétaire PAC, Bukavu

  2. Père Gilles Mathorel, M.Afr

    Many Thanks to Christopher for those years of dedication in his works as provincial. Best wishes for his new ministry somewhere between Zambia and Ghana his second love.
    And congratulations to Stan Lubungo. I was not on the voting list. But he was nevertheless my candidate. I had thought of him, already a long time ago as provincial. But another confreres, formerly in Zambia, had told me: “No, not provincial, Bishop!” Finally, I am right.
    Good luck to both of them and many God’s blessing.
    Père Gilles Mathorel

  3. Christian Mulenga, M.Afr

    This is really the Good News of Pentecost. We thank you also for doing your best to keep the value of SAP during your two terms of office as Provincial Superior. May the Good Lord continue blessing you in the new mission he will give you wherever you will be. Keep the same spirit of uniting people together to Christ Jesus.
    I wish you all the best while saying congratulations to Fr. Stanley LUBUNGO our new Provincial Superior. Christian Mulenga, M.Afr

  4. Adrien Sawadogo Mamadou, M.Afr

    I am united with you in thanksgiving for a choice that I know have not been an easy one to make. Congratulations indeed to all the confreres. May the blessings of the Lord be upon you all and above all else, upon the newly elected Brother and confrère Stan. Courage au frère Stan. And thank you very much Chris!!!! Mwabombeeni Mukwai!!!! Mwabomba sana, katusheni ku GHANA!!!! Akwabaaa!!!! And make a short cut by Bamako ” Idensè!”. Greetings to you all. Adrien Sawadogo Mamadou, M.Afr

  5. First Phase Jinja

    Congratulations to Stan Lubungo. May the Holy Spirit assist him in his new Mission. Arsène.

  6. Boris Yabre, M.Afr

    Obrigado Christopher. Thanks be to God. May he fill Stan with Wisdom and Health. Yours, Boris Yabre, M.Afr

    1. costa Manuel Student

      We, as students of the same Society, we are so happy to hear such news and I would like to leave our thanks to Fr Reverend Chileshe for his six years as SAP Provincial to answer the needs of confreres. He really worked hard. Welcome to the new SAP Provincial. May God bless SAP Province and all its projects.

  7. Jean Amour Tanoh

    We thank God for that and for everything. May his strength help him to help the Secteur. Jean Amour Tanoh

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