Workshop for Consecrated People in Solwezi Diocese, Zambia

Solwezi-06-2015-38The Catholic Diocese of Solwezi invited the Zambian National Joint Committee (NJC) for the Year of Consecrated Life to animate a day recollection and a workshop of two days. Father Serge St-Arneault, member of the NJC, and Sister Nsofwa Chanda accepted the invitation. Situated in the North-West part of Zambia, Solwezi is at 10 hours drive from Lusaka. Neglected over the years, the Government has signed recently a contract to rebuild the road between Chingola and Solwezi.

The workshop gathered about 60 priests and religious, women and men, who took time to read and comprehend the apostolic letter of Pope Francis dedicated to all Consecrated people. The article entitle “Consecrated Life in Africa: Chances and Challenges” written by the Superior General of the Missionaries of Africa, Father Richard Kuuia Baawobr, was also presented to the participants who got an opportunity to familiarise with the concept of unification as a way to bring together African and Gospel values whereby unity of Christian identity and African identity are manifested by the internal value of love made evident externally in acts of sharing.

Solwezi 06-2015 46As priests and religious, our joy is expressed in authentic fraternal communities of self-giving where service brings lifelong personal fulfilment.  

Many thanks to Bishop Charles Kasonde who heartened this initiative.

On his last day, Father Serge took advantage of being in Solwezi to give an interview on Radio Kabangabanga (meaning the star) opened on June 28, 2014 belonging to Solwezi Diocese.

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