Farewell Party for Brother Karl Kälin, July 3, 2015

Karl farewell party July 2015 03By a cold evening, Brother Karl Kälin said goodbye after nine faithful years as Provincial Treasurer in SAP Province. Many confrères and M.S.O.L.A. Sisters came to wish him a safe journey and a lovely retirement at home in Switzerland even though we know that Karl will no stay idle. His dedication will surely show him a new way to serve people. Dear Karl, we all wish you happiness wherever the Lord will guide you.

Here some messages sent by confreres.

Dear Karl,

As I know you for quite a few years as member of the general financial council, meeting in Rome, when you came to check our accounts in the province and as Provincial treasurer when I was treasurer for the sector of South Africa, also for dealing with you in Zambia for the construction.

I like to thank you very much for all your services and the good work you have done for the Society and for the province of SAP and wish you all the best for your future wherever it will be, may the Lord be with you and bless you.

Fraternally yours, Bro René Garand, M.Afr

Dear Karl,

Many thanks for everything what you have been and what you have done for me and for all of us in the province. May the lord continue blessing you. I will remember you and remaining united wherever we may be.

Piet van Heijst, M.Afr

Dear Karl,

Not being one of those able to be with you for your good-bye feast I would still like to wish you many blessings that I’m sure the Lord has in store for you in the future as also to thank you for all your patience, kindness and the much-appreciated services you have given me over the years you have been on the job there in the treasurer’s office.

My prayers will be with you and may yours be with me.

With every best wish, Dave Cullen, M.Afr

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