ICOF Program – Joy-Filled Gospel Service

ICOF logoInter-Congregational Ongoing Formation Program

Founding Congregations: · Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Spiritans) · Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers) · Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa (MSOLA) · Society of African Missions (SMA)

GENERAL INFORMATION (see attached brochure) + Founding Congregation

​For Catholic priests and religious in Africa. Two months of professionally facilitated sharing of experience, skills and practical knowledge, leading to enrichment of the participants’ professional, human, pastoral, spiritual and academic lives.

Place: Marian University College (MARUCO), Bagamoyo, Tanzania. Dates: June 1st – July 31st, 2016

COURSE CONTENTS: The program covers the four areas of formation: personal renewal (human), spiritual deepening, pastoral empowering, and academic update.

The program will cover the following: · Bearing joyful witness to the gospel through my particular vocation · Challenges of faith in contemporary Africa · Dangers of various addictions · Emotional intelligence and resilience · Ethical issues in ministry (boundary issues, financial administration) · Evangelii Gaudium: the Joy of the Gospel · Exploring different ways of meditating · Gender issues · Graceful Transitions in Life · Interreligious dialogue · Introduction to pastoral counseling skills · ‘Laudato si’ · Justice, peace and Christian responsibility towards the Integrity of creation · Appreciative Discernment · Leadership and Management · Ministering in a globalised world · Retreat (8 days) on the Joy of the Gospel · Scripture and mission · Signature Strengths for mission · Trauma awareness, bereavement, stress management & inner child work.

Vision: Integrated priests and religious in Africa giving joyful gospel witness in their personal, spiritual and pastoral lives.

Mission: To provide Catholic priests and religious in Africa with opportunity, space and time for personal renewal with a view of better service of the Gospel in the concrete reality of Africa today.

Objectives: 1. Provide skills and opportunity for addressing personal challenges. 2. Provide space and time for reflecting on and integrating their lived experiences. 3. Training in pastoral skills. 4. Academic updating on Scripture, current trends in mission in the context of Africa and on the latest magisterial documents.  

Methodology: The methodology includes input sessions, one-on-one accompaniment and working with growth groups. There will be multicultural community living and team working.

Fees and scholarships: The full cost of the program is 2136 US Dollars. Candidates who will qualify for scholarships will pay only 900 US Dollars. This covers: Full board, tuition, accompaniment fees, library and Wi-Fi for internet connection.

Qualifications for applicants: · Being Catholic priest or religious · Being approximately 10 · 20 years in ministry · Those in transition from one ministry to another will find it beneficial · Being recommended by one’s superior / bishop · Having a reasonable mastery of English · Willing to be open to share oneself with others for mutual enrichment and growth. 

Application deadline: April 30, 2016

CONTACTING US: Inter-Congregational Ongoing Formation (ICOF) Program, C/o Marian University College, P.O. Box 47 Bagamoyo, Tanzania. – Tel.  Tanzania: +255 787 795 033 / 766 075 219 – Kenya: +254 727 729 146 / 731 673 305 – Uganda: +256 752 508 284 /+256 786 842 292 – Email: icofprogram@gmail.com. Founding Congregation1                Blog:  http://icofprogram.blogspot.com

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One thought on “ICOF Program – Joy-Filled Gospel Service

  1. Pingback: Joy-filled Gospel Renewal Session June and July 2016 – Missionaries of Africa – SAP Province

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