Death of the Mother of our Confrere Paul Namono

Paul NamonoI am deeply saddened to inform you that the Mother of our Confrere Paul Namono passed away this afternoon. As many of you know, Paul has already lost three relatives (two brothers and an uncle) in the past four months. It’s hard to find words to say to Paul. 
He will leave Malawi tomorrow for Burkina Faso.
May our hearts go out to him during this difficult time and our prayers serve as comfort to Paul and his loved ones.

Stan Lubungo, M.Afr – SAP Provincial

Link: Sudden death of another brother of our confrere Paul Namono; Mr Fernand Namono

11 thoughts on “Death of the Mother of our Confrere Paul Namono

  1. John Amona, M.Afr

    My heart felt condolence to you Paul. May her soul rest in perfect peace in the House of the Lord. Fr John Amona, M.Afr

  2. Francis Kangwa, M.Afr

    Mwabombeni mukwai. Sorry about Paul for sure that is so sad, our prayers are with him. All the best for the chapter. Muposhe bonse. Francis Kangwa, M.Afr

  3. Adrien Sawadogo, M.Afr

    All our condolences to Paul and his family. May she rest in eternal peace. Adrien Sawadogo, M.Afr

  4. Camille Konkobo, M.Afr

    May the Soul of our beloved mother rest in eternal peace. United with the entire family in prayers. Camille Konkobo, M.Afr

  5. Luc Kola, M.Afr

    Indeed it is hard to find words to console Paul. May the Risen be his strength and hope during these difficult times! I have in communication with the family and Paul himself. I will wait for Paul here in Ouagadougou and will drive him to his village when he lands on Wednesday! Burial will take place on Thursday! May our mum Lankoandé Tiamba Jeanne RIP and pray for us!
    United in prayers! Luc Kola, M.Afr

  6. John Itaru, M.Afr

    My sincere condolence Paul! These are the moments in life where nothing else than faith can console. May your mothers soul rest in peace and courage during this rather challenging moment. Courage!

  7. Richard M Mulenga

    My sincere condolences to Paul and the entire family may the Risen Lord be the source of consolation.

  8. John Aserbire, M.Afr

    This is sad news and indeed a hard time for our brother Paul. We shall keep him and his entire family in our prayers. John Aserbire, M.Afr

  9. MSOLA

    Dear Paul! As we read the news of the passing over into the fullness of life of your dear mother, be assured of our prayers for your mum and especially for you and your family who need to be carried and strengthened by your faith. The MSOLA Lusaka cty

  10. Abdon Gamulani, M.Afr

    Paul, I would like to convey to you my most deep and heart felt condolences to you and the family for the untimely deaths that recently occurred in your family: your uncle, your two brothers and now your beloved mother. There are no human words that can adequat​​e​ly express what you and the family are going through right now but we confide it all in the hands of the Almighty and Loving God. May they all rest in His Peace.
    Rest assured of my prayers for you, Paul, together with your grieving family.
    Fraternally yours, Abdon Gamulani, M.Afr

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