First Anniversary of the passing on of our brother Clement Alekwe.

Nairobi - Photo of Y.Ps and Confreres at Fr. Alekwe grave at St. St. Austin. IMG-20160516-WA0007Greetings from Nairobi. Today marks the first Anniversary of the passing on of our brother Clement Alekwe. He died here in Nairobi on the 16th May 2015 and was laid to rest at the St. Austin’s cemetery where some of our confreres have been buried. Yesterday, the 11.00 am Mass at our Lady Queen of Peace Parish, South B, Nairobi, was celebrated in his memory. It was attended by many Parishioners and all the YOUNG PROFESSIONALS (Y.Ps), a group which was founded by Clement eleven years ago. After the Mass, a tree was planted in honour of Fr. Clement. This morning, (the day Clement died) the Y.Ps and some confreres went to St. Austin’s Cemetery to pray for Clement, our confreres and all the dead.

This afternoon, our confreres and many of our candidates are going to start their retreat at Nyahururu. The retreat is organized by the Kenya sector. We pray for them as they do the same for us.

John Aserbire, M.Afr on behalf of the Provincial Secretary.

Nairobi Y.Ps with Confreres - at Fr. Alekwe's Grave at St. Austin - IMG-20160516-WA0008Picture: Young Professionals and our Confreres at St. Austin’s cemetery today.

Link: Death of Father Clement Alekwe, 16th May 2015

One thought on “First Anniversary of the passing on of our brother Clement Alekwe.

  1. Tushirikiane Afrika

    Warm greetings from TUSA. Thank you very much for the updates and the pictures of those who were there for all of us. TUSA community is united with you in remembering of Fr Clement, one year after he left us. Some of our members have interacted with him at personal level as well as at community level. My he rest in Eternal Peace.
    United in prayers, Charles Sendegeya for Tushirikiane Afrika (TUSA).

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