Father Stanley Lubungo elected as Superior General of the M.Afr

Stanislas_LubunboFather Stanley Lubungo was elected this afternoon as our new Superior General in Rome. News of his election is already coming out. As SAP Province, we are very proud of him and sad at the same time to lose him as Provincial. We are very grateful for the work he has done in the past year and wish him a fruitful mandate as Superior General.

10 thoughts on “Father Stanley Lubungo elected as Superior General of the M.Afr

  1. Vitalis Dero, M.Afr.

    Congratulations to Stan! May the Lord God grant you the grace to steer our beloved Society forward. May Cardinal Lavigerie intercede for you! Vitalis Dero, M.Afr.

  2. Joseph Francis Makoka, M.Afr.

    Greetings from Zinder Parish in Niger. Thanks and praises be to God! We are very happy to receive the wonderful news of our new Superior General in the person of Rev. Father Stanley LUBUNGO. We are proclaiming the marvelous works of the.Lord through our Founder Cardinal Charles Lavigerie. Long live the Society of the Missionaries of Africa! Long live Stanley LUBUNGO! Amen.
    We are very happy and proud of you.
    Yours fraternally, Fr. Joseph Francis Makoka ~Niger

  3. MosesMario Ochigbo

    Wow! That’s wonderful. May the good Lord be with you as you begin the work. At the same time, I am interested to be with you in your society.

    1. mafrsaprovince

      Glad to hear that you are interested to join us. Please, get in touch with the Vocation Director Fr. Camille Konkobo by sending him a message using his e-mail address: camillekon@yahoo.fr. Thanks!

  4. Tim Bationo

    Congratulations from Chipata. We received the news before the evening prayer. We prayed for Stan, and we thanked the Lord for calling him for this mission.
    We concluded our prayer singing the Sancta Maria. May God bless you brother and we are praying now for your team. Tim Bationo, M.Afr

  5. Sister Lynn Walker

    Congratulations, Stan! We are sorry to lose you from Lusaka so soon but wish you every blessing in this new ministry! May God bless you with all the wisdom, compassion and creativity that you will need – and a good team to work with you! Every blessing, Lynn Lynn Walker, SSHJM

  6. Fr. Paweł Mazurek, MAfr

    Great day at our Generalate. We were able to celebrate together. All the best to Stan in his new ministry.

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