Farewell of Reinhold Bloching at New Kaloko parish.

Lighting 20 candles for 20 years of service in New Kaloko_JPEG_2On 8th May 2016 the parishioners of New Kaloko bid farewell to their shepherd. Our confrere Reinhold Bloching who for the last twenty years prayed with them and worked for them, went for his well-deserved home leave and left the parish for good. He is remembered not only for creating the parish and building the church, but also for constructing about 50 houses in the compound for the poorest of the poor. He also created a school called Bupe Mulenga Youth Training Centre in which young boys and girls from poor families can learn some skills needed in life, namely carpentry, brick laying, metal work, tailoring etc. For all of these and for many more things not mentioned here, the parishioners said a big THANK YOU. On the above mentioned day we gathered for the Eucharist to pray for Reinhold. Among the concelebrants there was also our Sector Delegate Fr. Venerato Babaine, who delivered the sermon, and Fr. Romaric. It was a very moving ceremony in which the parish movements expressed their gratitude and presented to Reinhold some gifts. But that was not the end of the farewell. The second part took place after the Mass, outside the church in a well prepared place. There were dances and groups offering gifts, among them delegates from other Churches, and of course a meal prepared by the Parish Council. The whole event was finished in late afternoon. We came home happy to see how our Zambian brothers and sisters are grateful for the good work done by Reinhold. Reinhold, I would like to let you know that you are being remembered, because every time I come to New Kaloko I am greeted with a question: “how is Father Bloching”. Well done, Reinhold and God bless you. Franciszek Szczurek, M.Afr

Bupe Mulenga Youth Training Centre JPEG3gReinhold Bloching at the farewell Mass JPEG

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