SAP JPIC-ED Coordinators Meeting, Beira 2016

The annual meeting of the JPIC-ED coordinators of SAP, was held at Nazare Centre in Beira, Mozambique from the 22nd to 23rd June 2016. Due to some travelling complications that one or the other encountered on the way, we had to start the meeting a day later. There were the 4 of us: Christophe Boyer (South Africa), Philip Meraba (Malawi), Romaric Bationo (Zambia) and Fidel Salazar (Mozambique).

JPIC-ED Beira 016bBecause of the many reshuffles that happened in the province last year, this meeting could not take place as per planning. So it was imperative that we come together, get to know each other and do some planning this year. The objective of the meeting was threefold:  1) to make known to each other what is happening in our respective sectors, 2) to review the resolutions that were made in previous meetings and 3) as a result, to design some follow-up and planning.  

From our sharing, it was evident that in our province we are involved in various JPIC-ED undertakings although our commitment in ED seems weak. Despite this variety of involvement there is little sharing and discussion about them. We seem not to know how to tell our stories. It was also noticed that in every sector the JPIC-ED team is trying to establish itself and get to animate the sector.

Considering the present various endeavours and situations, and the plans that were decided by the previous meetings, we resolved to prioritise or revive our commitment to fight the new forms of slavery, our care for creation in line with “Laudato si”, our effort to promote reconciliation and empower the impoverished. We should do all this in the spirit of Encounter and Dialogue. In addition, we believe that the increasing presence of Islam in Southern Africa that is causing apprehension, fear with prejudices among some Christians, calls us to take a lead in the encounter and dialogue with Muslims. The provincial Coordinator and the sectors JPIC-ED teams will make every effort to animate and stimulate our M.Afr communities in these areas.

After the meeting, we had a guided tour of Nazare Centre and the city of Beira. Everything considered, it was a good meeting; not only did it give a kick-start to our SAP JPIC-ED team that had stalled for some time, but it helped us to pick things up where our predecessors left them, and draw a roadmap that will guide us . It is our hope that with the collaboration of every confrere and community we will be able to implement the resolutions taken.

Many thanks to the staff of Nazare Centre for hosting us and making our stay enjoyable.

Romaric Bationo, M.Afr, SAP JPIC-ED Coordinator

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  1. Pingback: Documentary Video: The Earth Our Home – conservation for integrity of creation – Missionaries of Africa – SAP Province

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