80th Birthday anniversary of Reinhold Bloching, M.Afr

reinhold-bloching-80-cFrom Northern Province:

“Happy Birthday Fr. Reinhold Bloching. Hammy more happy returns”. Michael Mawelera, M. Afr, Kasama.

From Eastern Province:

“Dear Reinhold, happy birthday on Thursday. God is good. I will follow you soon on 23rd November”. Jean-Luc Gouiller, M.Afr

From Canada:

“Greetings from Quebec. Many thanks for the invitation but unhappily I will not be able to be present at the birthday party of Reinhold. I will be with you all because your kind invitation brought about happy memories of birthday parties in Woodlands. I will pray for Reinhold who is still with you in Zambia. Reinhold and I started theology together in Ottawa; he read the Gospel at my first Holy Mass and he is a friend of my family. I wish him good health and happiness in his service at Woodlands. You are all in my thoughts and in my prayers.

P.S.: Greetings and good wishes from Jules Roy, Jean-Marie Béliveau, Ray-Marie Fortin.” Jacques Bédard, M.Afr

From United Kingdom:

“To Reinhold, wishing you many blessings on your eightieth birthday, especially that you settle down happily there in your new community and that you may continue to be good news to the confreres and many others as you were in Ndola”. Dave Cullen, M.Afr

From Quebec:

“It is with pleasure that I come to wish you, Reinhold, a happy anniversary birthday. So you are entering in the group of OCTO (octogénaire) congratulations. I wish you a good party. Good health and a happy retirement”. Jean-Marie Beliveau, M.Afr

reinhold-bloching-80-bFrom Mozambique:

“Fr. Bloching, happy birthday. May the Lord continue to bless you and reward for the many good things you have done to people and your confreres. Stay well and happy shikulu!” Dimitri Yampa.

From France:

“Venerato, Please convey all my best wishes to Reinhold. I thank the Lord with him for the excellent missionary work he did all these years in Zambia and in Ndola. I was happy to live few months with him. Enjoy the celebration. Union of prayers”. Patrick Bataille, M.Afr

From South Africa:

“Dear Reinhold, unfortunately I cannot make it for the party but I wish you a very happy 80th birthday; I have good memories of the boisterous Reinhold and I am sure that age hasn’t diminished your commitment. Everything of the best from Bethlehem!” Fons Vanden Boer, M.Afr

From Kigoma – Tanzania

“Dear Fr. Reinhold Bloching, Happy Birthday, “80″ wonderful years and smashing indeed! As I was part time a member of Zambian Regional/Province at that time, I remember you very well working in the Northern Province. I join you in thanking the good Lord and may the creator grant you more years of good health, joy and peace. I hear of barbecue, waooooo! If I had plane I could fly there. I wish you well. Haa haaa, the bottles! Those are legal pleasures of apostolic life and human desires! I am here with Br. Theodor Call, M.Afr. J.B. Mapunda Mpundu Kasakulamasonde, M.Afr, Kabanga Parish community, Kigoma diocese.

From: Niger:

“Greetings from Zinder parish in Niger. Happy 80th birthday dear confrere Reinhold Bloching. We celebrated a thanksgiving mass for the gift of your life at the service of your fellow brothers and sisters of the African world. We are very happy and proud of you. May God grant you generously many more happy years through Christ our Lord! Amen! Chaka chabwino chopambana zedi! Joyeux anniversaire! Joyeux anniversaire! Barka da sallah! Yours, fraternally, Joseph Francis Makoka, M.Afr, Paroisse de Zinder – Niger

From Dublin:

“Lieber Reinhold. Gratulation zum Zwischenstopp… mach einfach weiter so“ . Karl Kaelin, M.Afr, Dublin 

From 1 Mwapona Road:

Dear Reinhold, we shall gather around you on the very day in prayer and the good things we shall share. The years of age, the years of mission, your long history and presence in missions especially in Zambia are a gift of God to you, a gift of your family to us. We rejoice and are glad.

 “Ubuta bwa mukote: bulashila pa kapanda.  Happy birthday mensch“! Venerato Babaine, M.Afr

2 thoughts on “80th Birthday anniversary of Reinhold Bloching, M.Afr

  1. Schönenberger Daniel

    Lieber Reinhold
    Viel zu spät sende ich dir liebe Grüsse aus Wil!
    Felix, welchen du getauft hast, ist ein stattlicher Mann geworden.
    Ich hoffe es geht dir gut.
    Grüsse auch an Father J. Roy
    Alle the best
    Daniel Schönenberger

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