Blessing of children at Chudleigh House School, Lusaka, Zambia

chudleigh-house-school-oct-2016-27In the aftermath of its 20th anniversary which took place in 2013, Mrs Petronella Chisanga asked the Missionaries of Africa to bless the school. Father Serge St-Arneault, M.Afr did so by blessing all the children from Pre-School, Primary and Secondary School. Over 600 students were blessed individually knowing that the Lord has already blessed them in so many ways; the gift of life, the support of families, teachers and friends. With the help of their teachers, the classes drew a picture where the names of the pupils were written to symbolise the unity in diversity. Boys and girls as much as grown-ups are all children of God. Our prayer is to remain blessed by showing our mutual love and respect.

chudleigh-house-school-website-logo-20_jpegChudleigh House School, situated in one of Lusaka’s residential areas called Chudleigh, was officially opened by then University of Zambia Chancellor Mr John Mupanga Mwanakatwe on the 16th July 1993. The school was the brain child of Mrs Petronella Chisanga and was joined by Mrs Lalita Money, Mrs Dorothy Kasanda, Mrs Lucy Musonda and Mrs Maud Moonzwe as promoters.

Chudleigh House School is a multinational and inter-denominational school. The school aims at producing a well-rounded person after 12 years of learning. There are a total of 17 classrooms, a computer room, two science laboratories, a library, e-learning room, music room and home economy room. The school has a canteen on campus which serves hot healthy meals every day. The school has three sections; early learning Centre, Primary school and Secondary school.

Chudleigh House School is an examination Centre for Grade 7, 9 and 12 levels. The pass has been consistently above 90% at all levels in the last 20 years of its existence. May the blessing of the Lord upon the children and teachers makes it be the same for years to come.


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Bénédiction des enfants de l’école de Chudleigh, Lusaka, Zambie.

Death of Petronella Mubanga, sister of our confrere John C. Mubanga.

john-mubanga-2015-jpgYesterday afternoon, 21st October, around 16:30 when I was just preparing to go for Mass, I received a call from home that my sister Petronella Mubanga (Bana Chitoshi) passed away at 13:30 in Mandevu, Lusaka, Zambia. She was the first born in the family and when I was growing up, she contributed a lot to making sure that I finish my school since our parents were not working then. She contributed also a lot during my ordination in Zambia even though she was very sick at that time. Petronella has left four children. 

Remember her in your prayers. May Almighty God in his infinite goodness welcome her in his Kingdom. Amen.    John C. Mubanga, M.Afr