News from our M.Afr Brazilian Sector.

missionarios-da-africa-brezil3The Missionaries of Africa of Brazil wish you a Happy New Year 2017. We are pleased to send you the news of the Brazilian Sector so that our mission may be known to all Society. Enjoy the reading in French. An English version is in preparation. Holy Year 2017. Moussa Serge Traore, M.Afr, Superior.

notre-dame-daparecida-pngOlá ! La situation politique et sociale reste tendue et instable. L’impeachment de la présidente a eu lieu. Le vice-président a pris le pouvoir. La chasse aux corrompus continue avec l’arrestation de politiciens. Les mesures et propositions du nouveau président de la république provoquent des manifestations publiques. La Conférence Nationale des Évêques du Brésil s’est prononcée contre certaines propositions du Président. Au niveau ecclésial, les évêques du Brésil ont déclaré l’année 2017, l’année Nationale Mariale car le pays célèbre le Jubilée de 300 ans de la découverte de l’image de Notre Dame dans le fleuve Paraíba en 1717. A cette occasion, l’image de Notre Dame d’Aparecida parcourt les paroisses, et diocèses du pays. C’est l’occasion de grands rassemblements et grandes célébrations.

Les confrères vont très bien. Ils se réjouissent de l’arrivée cette année 2016 du Père Francisco Javier, mexicain, un ancien missionnaire au Congo. Nous avons 2 communautés au Brésil. La communauté du centre-ville est composée de Moussa Serge Traore, prêtre, Burkinabe, 45 ans, 14 ans de serment ; Luciano Fuchs, Frère, Brésilien, 49 ans, 13 ans de serment ; Francisco Javier Ambrosio Vargas, prêtre, Mexicain, 42 ans, 4 ans de serment, Ethelbert Onyeaghala, stagiaire, Nigérian, 32 ans. Le Père Nazzareno Benacchio, italien, 94 ans vit dans sa maison de retraite á São Paulo. En 2017 il fera 60 ans de serment. Il est rattaché á la communauté de Federation. La communauté de la périphérie est composée d’Angelo Lee, prêtre, français, 67 ans, 39 ans de serment et Raphael Muteba Ndjibu, prêtre, Congolais, 38 ans, 5 ans de serment.

confrere-au-brezilAu pays du carnaval et du football, nous, Missionnaires d’Afrique, réalisons notre vocation et notre projet apostolique : être témoins du Règne de Dieu et partager avec ceux qui l’accueillent la grâce de la Bonne Nouvelle. Tous nos engagements, dans leur diversité, sont orientés vers ce but. Nous sommes de plus en plus connus, appréciés et sollicités. Nous sommes très heureux de notre présence missionnaire au Brésil. Nous avons le sentiment profond d’une mission bien remplie. Vive la Mission ! Vive le Brésil ! Sainte Année 2017.

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Newsletter South Africa No 70 – 28th December 2016

newsletter-south-africa-no-70-titleGreetings! We are still in the Christmas Season and, hopefully, in the Christmas spirit! But this Newsletter will be short because, as you read in my special message “A FREAK ACCIDENT”, I am now reduced to the use of only one hand; it is an awkward way of typing!

newsletter-south-africa-no-70-michel-meunier-with-justinOne good positive point, following that unfortunate accident, is that I have a very good “private driver and helper”. Indeed, Justin Ramde, a Burkinabe, going into his third year of theology in Cedara and living at our House of Formation in Merrivale, has been here since last Friday. He takes some weeks from his holiday to come here to help me. He has been very good, not only driving me safely here and there for different pastoral commitments, but also helping me during Mass (like holding the ciborium so I may distribute Holy Communion with my healthy hand), and showing himself very much of service for doing various things requiring both hands!

He was very happy to take part in the Christmas Eve Mass at Mother Teresa’s Home; the small chapel was packed with surely more than 100 poor and sick residents, adults and children, together with the Sisters. They sang wholeheartedly for the birth of Jesus and everybody was in a festive mood. After Mass, each one received a present from the Sisters. On Christmas day, we were at City Deep for the francophone community. The church was full and the choir was really good.

After Mass, four doctors from the congregation gave me a free medical consultation! They told me that the healing seems to be taking its course well. Thank you also for all your prayers!

I want to wish you all a very good Christmas Season and a Happy New Year!

Fr. Michel, M.Afr. Vocation Director.

Priestly ordination of Konrad Simon Millanzi, M.Afr in Tanzania.

ordination-konrad-millanzi-01konrad-simon-millanzi-2016_jpegBy Konrad Simon Millanzi, M.Afr

My ordination was on 15th December 2016 at St. Walburg church, Nyangao Parish, by Bishop Bruno Pius Ngonyani of Lindi diocese, Tanzania. About 19 confreres and students came to support me with two MSOLA Sisters. Thanks for your presence. They were led by Bartholomew Mrosso, Provincial Delegate for Tanzania together with Hugh Seenan from Mozambique, Faustin Kerumbe and Deogratias Ngowi from South Africa and my brother Lawrence Tukamushaba from Zambia. His family in Uganda took care of me during my studies there.

I also got support from 25 diocesan priests. Among them were my five senior priests from Nyangao parish namely Fr. Achiula, Fr. Chijinga, Fr. Hokororo, Fr. Mpiri and Fr. Nkane, O.S.B. We are now six priests from Nyangao Parish. Other priests came from Ndanda Abbey and many more from various local congregation of Sisters.

A Thanksgiving Mass was celebrated at the church of St. Walburg on 18th December followed by a large gathering.

I would like to give thanks to God and all the people who have helped me in one way or the other to respond YES to God’s call.

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2017 MIMSAF Calendar

Celebration of the 125 years of the Catholic Church in Zambia 1891—2016.

Moving Together in Christ’s Love and Mercy.

2017-mimsaf-calendar-01On the 19th July 1891, the Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers), who were on their way to Lake Tanganyika coming from Mponda in Malawi, stopped at a nearby place on the land of chief Mambwe.

When one of them fell ill, they settled on this land in an abandoned house belonging to the African Lakes Company. This was the beginning of Mambwe-Mwela Mission; the first Catholic foundation in Zambia. In July 1895, the Missionaries of Africa moved to Kayambi.

The Catholic Church has begun in 2016 a yearlong celebration of thanksgiving for these 125 years of God’s Love and Mercy. Mass for the National launch took place at Mambwe-Mwela on the 6th August. All Dioceses and Lay Groups have been encouraged to line up Thanksgiving Spiritual Exercises, especially pilgrimages, to the nearest early mission parishes in their respective Dioceses. The closing Mass for this yearlong celebration is taking place in Lusaka on the 15th July 2017.

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MIMSAF LOGO_modifié-1Objectives of MIMSAF:  – To be fully involved in the work of the Church through the works of the Society of the Missionaries of Africa. – To know and participate in the spirituality of Missionaries of Africa. – To facilitate the smooth cultural transition of incoming missionaries into our Zambian culture. – To mobilise resources to support missionary work within and outside Zambia. – To network and collaborate with other organisations and religious groups with similar objectives locally and internationally. – To promote ecumenism and interreligious dialogue. – To collaborate in spiritual and social events. – To promote and support Missionary vocations for the Society of the Missionaries of Africa.

 The 2017 MIMSAF is on sale at the cost of 20 kwacha. Please contact Mr Joseph Kamanga through e-mail:

stan-lubungo_jpegThe Catholic Church in Zambia started a yearlong celebration on the 6th August 2016 to mark the 125 years of its existence. The first missionaries were few. They encounter great difficulties and challenges. Their courage and faith have brought blessings in this part of the world. Today, 28 Missionaries of Africa of Zambian nationality are themselves spreading the Word of God in other parts of Africa with the same spirit as their predecessors.

In 2016, one of them, Father Stanley Lubungo, was elected as Superior General of the Society of the Missionaries of Africa. He is the first Zambian missionary to become Superior General. We thank the Lord for such a gift, 125 years after the arrival of the first missionaries in Mambwe-Mwela in 1891.



Declaration of intention of Patient Mushagalusa Cimanuka, Kabwata Parish, Lusaka, Zambia.

declaration-of-intent-pascal-cimanuka-dec-2016-06b2On Christmas Day, Patient Mushagalusa Chmanuka made his Declaration of Intention to proceed with his formation with the Missionaries of Africa. He signed his declaration in the presence of the Provincial Delegate of Zambia, Fr Venerato Babaine. This declaration added to the joyful spirit shared by the Christians celebrating the birth of Jesus. Though Mass lasted three hours, nobody felt it long. We are all invited to come back next year to welcome the declaration of Chandan Nayak.

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