2017 MIMSAF Calendar

Celebration of the 125 years of the Catholic Church in Zambia 1891—2016.

Moving Together in Christ’s Love and Mercy.

2017-mimsaf-calendar-01On the 19th July 1891, the Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers), who were on their way to Lake Tanganyika coming from Mponda in Malawi, stopped at a nearby place on the land of chief Mambwe.

When one of them fell ill, they settled on this land in an abandoned house belonging to the African Lakes Company. This was the beginning of Mambwe-Mwela Mission; the first Catholic foundation in Zambia. In July 1895, the Missionaries of Africa moved to Kayambi.

The Catholic Church has begun in 2016 a yearlong celebration of thanksgiving for these 125 years of God’s Love and Mercy. Mass for the National launch took place at Mambwe-Mwela on the 6th August. All Dioceses and Lay Groups have been encouraged to line up Thanksgiving Spiritual Exercises, especially pilgrimages, to the nearest early mission parishes in their respective Dioceses. The closing Mass for this yearlong celebration is taking place in Lusaka on the 15th July 2017.

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MIMSAF LOGO_modifié-1Objectives of MIMSAF:  – To be fully involved in the work of the Church through the works of the Society of the Missionaries of Africa. – To know and participate in the spirituality of Missionaries of Africa. – To facilitate the smooth cultural transition of incoming missionaries into our Zambian culture. – To mobilise resources to support missionary work within and outside Zambia. – To network and collaborate with other organisations and religious groups with similar objectives locally and internationally. – To promote ecumenism and interreligious dialogue. – To collaborate in spiritual and social events. – To promote and support Missionary vocations for the Society of the Missionaries of Africa.

 The 2017 MIMSAF is on sale at the cost of 20 kwacha. Please contact Mr Joseph Kamanga through e-mail: mimsafzambia@gmail.com

stan-lubungo_jpegThe Catholic Church in Zambia started a yearlong celebration on the 6th August 2016 to mark the 125 years of its existence. The first missionaries were few. They encounter great difficulties and challenges. Their courage and faith have brought blessings in this part of the world. Today, 28 Missionaries of Africa of Zambian nationality are themselves spreading the Word of God in other parts of Africa with the same spirit as their predecessors.

In 2016, one of them, Father Stanley Lubungo, was elected as Superior General of the Society of the Missionaries of Africa. He is the first Zambian missionary to become Superior General. We thank the Lord for such a gift, 125 years after the arrival of the first missionaries in Mambwe-Mwela in 1891.



Declaration of intention of Patient Mushagalusa Cimanuka, Kabwata Parish, Lusaka, Zambia.

declaration-of-intent-pascal-cimanuka-dec-2016-06b2On Christmas Day, Patient Mushagalusa Chmanuka made his Declaration of Intention to proceed with his formation with the Missionaries of Africa. He signed his declaration in the presence of the Provincial Delegate of Zambia, Fr Venerato Babaine. This declaration added to the joyful spirit shared by the Christians celebrating the birth of Jesus. Though Mass lasted three hours, nobody felt it long. We are all invited to come back next year to welcome the declaration of Chandan Nayak.

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Xaveri movement in St. Gabriel’s parish, Namushakende, Zambia.

xaverian-movement-01By Pearson Salu, Coordinator.

Members of the Xaveri movement from different parishes in the Diocese of Mongu gathered in Namushakende for a three-day camping between the 15th and 18th December 2016. This camping brought together 66 Xaverains from 7 parishes of the Diocese namely: St. Michael’s, Kalabo; St. Lawrence, Limulunga; St. John’s, Katongo; Our Lady of Lourdes Cathedral, Mongu; St. Agatha, Kapulanga; St. Francis, Malengwa and the host St. Gabriel, Namushakende.

These days of camping were very exciting and entertaining, full of learning, discovery and adventure. We had a variety of activities which included sports such as soccer and volley ball, road runs every morning, drills, bible quiz, drama and sketches as well as debates. We also had inputs on the rosary and the role of Mary in our lives, and an input on the liturgy of the Church. During these days, the members also animated the daily liturgical celebrations with vigour and enthusiasm and creativity.  

xaverian-movement-02All the activities culminated in the big celebration on Sunday where 16 new Xaverians were commissioned while 10 made their Xaveri promise. The Mass which was well animated by the Xaverians was presided over by Fr Alfred Awogya, Parish Priest, assisted by Fr Marcin Perfikowski, M.Afr. In his homily, Fr. Alfred stressed the need for all Christians to emulate the courage and faith of Joseph the husband of Mary who listened and welcomed the will of God in his life. He urged particularly those to be commissioned to remain committed and, like Joseph, seek to do the will of God in their particular vocation in the Church as Xaverians. During the same Mass, the parishioners of St. Gabriel welcomed their new priest, Fr Marcin, who has just arrived to start his priestly ministry in the parish.

xaverian-movement-03The young men and women dressed in their neat Xaveri uniforms of red and white (with green sashes for others) put up a splendid and colourful parade after Mass to the cheer of the Christians who had gathered outside the church to watch. Even the slight down pour could not deter the vibrant young soldiers of God to exercise their duty. Fr Alfred was called upon to inspect the august parade. It was a beautiful experience. We give thanks to God for the growth and the spread of the Xaveri movement in our Diocese. We thank Fr Alfred and his team for the warm hospitality. May God bless the new commissioned Xaverians and all Xaverians throughout the world.

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xaveri-logo Link: Short Presentation of the Xaveri Movement