Father Raphael Gasimba, M.Afr, new Parish Priest for Dombe, Mozambique.


By Dimitri Yampa, stagiaire.

The Provincial of SAP, Felix Phiri, and our Provincial Delegate, Boris Yabré, were in Dombe on the 22nd January 2017, to witness the appointment of Raphael Gasimba as Parish Priest in replacement of Jean de Dieu Bukuru who has been appointed as Treasurer Delegate in Beira. Bishop Francis Don Silota of Chimoio presided the Eucharistic celebration and Boris Yabré read the letter of appointment in front of the parishioners. Symbolically, Jean de Dieu handed over his charges as Parish Priest to Raphael by removing his chasuble with the help of the Provincial. Then, they dressed up together Raphael who took over the liturgy. The Missionaries of Africa asked Our Lady of Africa to intercede for him and to protect him during his ministry by singing the “Sancta Maria”. The Provincial encouraged him in his new charge and congratulated both confreres for their service and their dedication to the mission in Dombe. “May the Good Shepherd help you and guide you in this mission,” he concluded.

Priestly ordination of Michael Mapulanga, Harrison Banda and Simon Mphana, OMI.

archbishop-jabulani-adatus-nxumani-saLet us pray for Michael Mapulanga, Harrison Banda and Simon Mphana, O.M.I. who will be ordained this coming Saturday, January 28 in South Africa. Micheal and Harrison are Zambian who have joint the diocesan clergy in the Archdiocese of Bloemfontein. They will be ordained by Right Reverend Archbishop Jabulani Adatus Nxumalo OMI.


Mafrwestafrica lettre du 19 janvier 2017

Mafrwestafrica logoAujourd’hui, les Missionnaires d’Afrique de l’Ouest vous proposent de visiter de nouvelles pages sur leur site http://www.mafrwestafrica.net.

Tout d’abord, une information intéressante : au 7 Janvier 2017 : Nous étions 1222 Missionnaires d’Afrique Moyenne d’âge 68 ans


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 Dialogue interreligieux

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« Valorisation de la raison » sur le site de “Saphir News” (texte du 26 décembre 2016) – (lire la suite)
« Eduquer à la modération en religion » un article de Bénédicte Lutaud paru dans le Monde des religions du 22 décembre 2016 (lire la suite)

 Justice et Paix

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« Qu’est-ce que le e-CFA ? » Le Sénégal sera le premier pays en Afrique de l’ouest à expérimenter le e-CFA. Servant ainsi de point zéro, si l’expérience est concluante, la monnaie sera étendue dans toute l’Afrique de l’ouest. (lire la suite)

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Vu au Sud – Vu du Sud

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Death of Father Maurits de Weerdt’s, M.Afr, in Belgium.

Maurits_De WeerdtFather Luc Putzeys, Provincial Delegate of the sector of Belgium, informs you of the return to the Lord of Father Maurits De Weerdt on Wednesday the 11th of January 2017 at Antwerpen (Belgium) at the age of 81, of which 55 years of missionary life in Zambia and in Belgium. Let us pray for him and for his loved ones.

Belge, Father De Weerdt’s comes from Antwerpen.  Born on the 9th April 1935, he made his Oath in Totteridge, Englain, on the 11th July 1961 and was ordained priest in Heverlee on the 29th June 1962.

Many thanks to Piet van Heijst who informed the Office of the SAP Provincial Secretary about the death of Father De Weerdt’s. The funerals is taking place today.

Milestones of Father Maurits De Weerdt’s life.

Learning Chibemba in Ilondola (1962). Assistant Parish Priest in Chibote (1963). Assistant Parish Priest in Kasaba, Mansa (1965). Superior in Kasaba (1966). Superior in Chibote (1968). Regional Councillor (1969). Assistant Parish Priest in Kawambwa (1969). Superior in Kashikishi (1970). Regional Councillor (1972). Superior in Kawambwa (1973). Delegate at the Chapter (1974). Regional, Kasama (1975). Director at the Catholic Training Centre in Lubwe (1984). Session-Retreat in Jerusalem (1984). Catholic Training Centre in Lubwe in Mansa (1986). In Belgium (1989). Parish Priest in Kitwe, Mansa (1992). In Belgium (1995). Bangalore in India (2003). In Antwerpen, Belgium (2006). Ministry in Ndola (2008). In Belgium (2009). Ministry in Ndola (2010). Residence in Antwerpen, Belgium (2013).

Declaration of Intent of Innocent Matata Foto, Lumimba, Zambia

declaration-intent-lumimba-jan-2017By Fr. Mathew W. Banseh, M.Afr

Innocent Matata Foto renewed his Declaration of Intention to pursue his formation with the Missionaries of Africa on the Feast of the Epiphany at Our Lady of Perpetual Help parish, Lumimba. From early hours, the Holy Childhood children group was singing and practising for Mass. 60 of them brought animation in the liturgy presided by Father Brendan O’Shea together with Father Camille Konkobo, representing the Provincial Delegate of Zambia, and Father Mathew W. Banseh.

In his homily, Fr. Brendan exhorted parents to take care of their children as they are a precious gift from God. He also asked the children to be obedient and respectful towards their parents just like Jesus was. He also invited Innocent Matata Foto to remain focused in his vocation journey and allow the signs of God to lead him like the Magi did in today’s Gospel. He used the occasion to explain the meaning of the habit of the Missionaries of Africa Innocent had put on; the gandura and burnous originally from North-Africa.

The declaration was pronounced in Chichewa and signed on the altar followed by a song of praise. A gathering followed in the evening to mark this joyful event animated by various dances and sharing of stories. It is our prayer that the Lord will guide Innocent on his vocation journey.