In Memoriam Gotthard Rosner

Father Rudi Pint, Provincial Delegate of the sector of Germany, informs you of the return to the Lord of Father Gotthard Rosner on Wednesday September 2nd, 2020 in Munich (Germany) at the age of 79 years, of which 53 years of missionary life in Uganda, Switzerland, France, Italy, USA, Zambia UK and Germany.

Every now and then, there is a little controversy about the photo of an elderly confrere who died. Should we publish a recent photograph, which reflects the physical appearance of the confrere during the last years, or should we post an older picture, which will be acknowledged by the people he worked with when he was in Africa? Father Gotthard died on the second of September. He was a formator for many years and a superior general for 6 years. Many younger confreres have known him… with a beard, which he let go for the last few years.

3 thoughts on “In Memoriam Gotthard Rosner

  1. Beatrice

    May God receive the soul of Fr Gotthard Rosner and give him eternal rest. May God pardon him for his shortcomings whilst here on Earth. Through Jesus Christ our Redeemer I pray.

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