Commemoration of 150 years of the M.Afr in Chipata diocese

Modéra Bazié2By Modéra Bazié, stagiaire

In order to commemorate the 150 years of the foundation of the Society of the Missionaries of Africa, the diocese of Chipata expressed its gratitude to the White Fathers by organising a pilgrimage of faith in Lumimba Parish run by our confreres.

On Saturday 20th October, a number of activities were held in Chasera; poetry, a play, a traditional dance presented by the students of the formation house in Chipata and football matches. Were present Bishop George Lungu, brethren from other Christian denominations and representatives from the Muslim community.

At the Sunday Eucharistic celebration, honourable chief Mwanya attested her happiness and the gratefulness of the people of Chasera for the work of our ancestors in the mission. She also expressed her thankfulness for the education and health facilities the missionaries have been given to the people of Chasera. She concluded: zikomo kwambiri, which means ‘‘thank you very much’’.

Bishop George Lungu expressed his joy of having missionaries in his diocese. He also prayed for the first confreres who planted the Catholic faith in Chipata. He encouraged all the religious over the diocese and the students of the Missionaries of Africa to take up the challenges of their time in order to bring the Gospel to all the whole world in the same spirit as the first missionaries did. All gratitude to the Missionaries of Africa, he said.

Chasera-01He also invited the Christians to be grateful for what the confreres have done and are still doing for them by supporting them. He concluded his speech with a special word of gratitude to Father Toon van Kessel for his wonderful work in Chipata diocese.

Finally, Father Adelarde Munishi thanked the Bishop, the whole diocese, the traditional believers and other denominations for their collaboration. We are all from one Family, the family of God – Banja Nyumba Ali modzi, he said. He expressed his gratitude to the Christians of Chasera for having hosted the celebration.

In this atmosphere of great joy, the celebration ended with the final blessing of Bishop George Lungu after the missionaries had sung the Sancta Maria.

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Declaration of Intent of Thierry Uyirwoth

Declaration of intent Thierry 01By Thierry Uyirwoth/ Stagiaire at St. Lawrence Parish

I renewed my declaration of intent to continue my journey with the Missionaries of Africa on Sunday, 11th March 2018. I freely made the decision after the fulfilment I am gaining in my pastoral training at St. Lawrence Parish. The ceremony itself was simple but prayerful, meaningful and well prepared. Father Babaine Venerato, the Provincial Delegate of Zambia Sector was the main celebrant and received my declaration of intent in the presence of Father Frédéric Ajaruva, my Parish Priest, and Father Antoon, the Superior of my community. Father Michel Meunier the Southern African Province (SAP) secretary was also present. Many of our parishioners witnessed the event and were very pleased to see that I am making a step ahead in my formation.

May I take this opportunity to thank God for helping me to continue finding joy in my training toward missionary life. Thanks also to my community for the support and good preparation of the event. Thanks to the Provincial Delegate who came to receive it. Thanks to all my parishioners and to you all for your prayers. May God continue helping me to discern his will.

Declaration of intent Thierry 04

Zambia sector stagiaires meeting, 2018

By Hilario Villaver (1st year) and Emile Baguma (2nd year)

The stagiaires meeting is a way of being together, of strengthening our relationship from different corners of Zambia. We were six stagiaires (five in their second year and one first year), and our coordinator: Emile Baguma, from Kasamba Parish/Mansa Diocese; Thierry Uyirwoth, from Saint Lawrence Parish/Lusaka Archdiocese; Jean-Marie Chishugi, from Namushakende Parish/Mongu Diocese; Emmanuel Kokpe, from St Annes’ parish/Kasama Archdiocese; Chandan Nayak, from Good Shepherd-Kabwata Parish/Lusaka Archdiocese and Hilario Villaver Jr., St John the Baptist-New Kaloko Parish/Ndola Diocese; and Fr. Camillo Konkobo, stagiaires’ coordinator.

We held our meeting in our M.Afr community of Ndola, from the 26th February to the 3rd March 2018 with the assistance of our coordinator Fr. Camillo. We started with a recollection lead by Fr. Camillo on the theme “gratefulness” through meditating upon Luke 17, 11-19. We enjoyed having Masses and prayers together as stagiaires. We also joined the congregation at the Cathedral for the way of the cross on Friday. We consecrated this moment to know, deepen and share about our experiences on the apostolic training, with its joys and challenges. We had a good time of recreating and chatting together, with social colourful evening with the entire community of Ndola. We were privileged to welcome our provincial, Fr. Felix Phiri. He came to visit and hear from us. His words of encouragements were well received, and it gave us more flavour for the mission. We had time to relax and discover the Copperbelt especially some designated areas. Wherever we were going together, we were keeping our good spirit of concern for each other with a good atmosphere among us. We were not only united but one, “Esprit de corps”. We visited our parish and the training centre called “Bupe Mulenga”. The few Christians who were at the parish appreciated our visit talking to us in the local language with their hospitality and generosity.

We are grateful to the Almighty God for bringing us together as one family. Moreover, we acknowledge the efforts made by the sector for supporting us in any kind of needs, and we thank the hosting community (Frs. Piet and Franciszek) for their hospitality and kindness towards us.

Oath and Diaconate in Merrivale, December 15, 2017

18 New Missionaries of Africa

On Friday 15th December at 4:30 pm, in the beautifully decorated chapel of the Merrivale Formation House in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa, eighteen young men were officially received in the Society of the Missionaries of Africa by pronouncing their Missionary Oath. Many relatives and friends had come from near and far to pray with them and witness this serious life commitment of these generous new confreres. Their Oath was received by Fr. Didier Sawadogo, M.Afr, one of the Assistants to the Superior General. The Provincial of the Southern Africa Province, Fr. Felix Phiri, M.Afr, as well as the Provincial Delegate for South Africa, Fr. Raymond McQuarrie, M.Afr, were also present. The occasion was also enhanced by the presence of Bishop Jan De Groef, M.Afr of Bethlehem Diocese (South Africa) and Bishop Sanctus Lino of Nebbi Diocese in Uganda.

Our new confreres are: Maurice Aduol (Kenya), Jean-Pierre Badjanga Titi (DR Congo), Jean-Paul Basikaba (DR Congo), Stephen Beru (Ghana), Ryan Contamina (Philippines), Philippe Dakono (Mali), Siby Dominic (India), Francis Eze (Nigeria), Eric Kambale (DR Congo), Christopher Nkandu (Zambia), Silas Nsambimana (Burundi), Robert Ouedraogo (Burkina Faso), Justin Ramde (Burkina Faso), Elie Sango (DR Congo), Victor Sanou (Burkina Faso), Martin Somda (Burkina Faso), Jean-Baptiste Todjro (Togo) and Pierre Chanel Ulama (DR Congo).

New Miss SA 1918 New Priests for 2018!

This makes a lot of 18’s! What a wonderful gift for our jubilee year, our 150 years of foundation!

Indeed, the day after the Missionary Oath, on 16th December, in St. Vincent Parish Kwampumuza in South Africa, we had the pleasure to celebrate the ordinations to the diaconate of the same eighteen new confreres for the Missionaries of Africa and two others for the Dominicans (O.P.).

Cardinal Wilfrid Napier, ofm, Archbishop of Durban Archdiocese, presided the celebration assisted by Bishop Jan De Groef, Bishop Sanctus Lino of Nebbi Diocese in Uganda and over fifteen priests.  Everything went smoothly with the enthusiastic and brilliant participation of the local parish choir, the altar servers and all the other liturgical ministers.

After the four-hour celebration, the parishioners, under the wise leadership of their parish councillors, treated everybody to a delicious meal and to some great entertainments. This parish was recently taken by the Missionaries of Africa and we find the people very responsive and generous. They organised everything and contributed not only their time and energy but also all the food and drinks for this great occasion. Great! Siyabonga kakulu! (Thank you very much!)

God’s Family Is Expanding!

By Deacon Jean-Baptiste Todjro, M.Afr.

I was glad when I heard them say let us go to the house of the Lord’ Ps 122: 1. These words mark the beginning of our immediate preparation for our Missionary Oath and Diaconate Ordination. Indeed great was our joy to be accepted into the family of the Missionaries of Africa.

One word was echoed strongly throughout the celebration of our Missionary Oath and Diaconate Ordination: FAMILY. Prior to the celebration of the oath, Didier Sawadogo, representing the Superior General, presented to us the message of the General Council by giving to each of us the positive affirmation of our Society which states: ‘Filled with the joy of the Gospel and guided by the Spirit, we are an intercultural missionary society with a family spirit. Sent out to the African world and wherever our charism is needed, for a prophetic mission of encounter and of witness to the love of God’ (Capitular Acts 2016:17). It is with this sense of belonging and willingness that we responded YES to the call of God and the desire of making God’s love known and flourish in the African world. The word FAMILY was at the heart of the homily of Cardinal Wilfrid Napier who in addressing us insisted that we have to participate in the mission of the Church and identify the challenges that families are facing as our primary mission in collaboration with the universal Church. As such one can boldly say we are ordained to be APOSTLES TO FAMILIES, NOTHING BUT APOSTLES TO FAMILIES.

We wish to thank all those who made this event possible: our community, our formators and provinces of origin who believed we can contribute positively to the Mission of Jesus Christ within the Society of the Missionaries of Africa. Our gratitude also goes to you, our parents, friends and confreres who graced this event with your presence or with a thought or a prayer. Please, continue praying for us and supporting us.

Please remember us and all missionaries of Africa with this hymn that served as a procession and entrance hymn during our Missionary Oath:

À vous mes chers Missionnaires d’Afrique, l’amour est notre unique vocation. Dieu nous envoie en Afrique en mission, pour proclamer par notre vie son Amour. Aimons-nous d’un amour tendre et fidèle, soyons apôtres et rien que cela. Soyons unis pour que la vie soit plus belle, allons sans peur vers notre Dieu qui nous appelle. Nous sommes la présence, du Dieu de l’alliance. Qui nous parle dans le silence, Dieu d’amour et d’espérance. Nous sommes sa présence, ici en Afrique. Qui proclame ses merveilles, Dieu d’amour et d’un nouveau jour.

We are the presence, of God in Africa. Who speaks to us in the silence, God of love and God of hope. We are God’s presence, here in Africa. That proclaims God’s great deeds, God of love and of a new day.

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