Climaxing the Year Dedicated to Consecrated Life in Ghana.

John Mubanga in KumasiBy Fr. John C. Mubanga (M.Afr) – St. Benedict’s Parish – Wa.

From the 20th till 23rd January, 2016, John Mubanga, Dieudonné Amani, Dominic Apee, Gaspard Cirimwani, Gazena Haile, and Erus Tirkey celebrated the climax of the Year Dedicated to Consecrated Life on behalf of the Missionaries of Africa in Ghana/Nigeria Province in Kumasi, the second largest towns in Ghana. The theme was the one given by Pope Francis: “Wake up the World.” Views and sharing helped the participants to find ways to bring peace, joy and love to our contemporary world as religious men and women.

Gabriel Justice Yaw AnokyeThe celebration was organised by the conference of Major Superiors of Religious in Ghana whose president is Dominic Apee (Provincial of M.Afr Ghana/Nigeria). In his opening remarks, he welcomed everybody and most especially Most Rev. Emmanuel Kofi Fianu, SVD, Bishop of Ho Diocese, and Archbishop Gabriel Justice Yaw Anokye of the Archdiocese of Kumasi. Dominic reminded each one of us that “consecrated life is a gift given by Christ who chooses a person to respond to his great love in a special relationship. Consecrated life is a vocation in which men and women give witness to Christ by following his teaching. Consecrated life is most often shared in a community which is united in living out a common mission.” Indeed, as Dominic pointed out, we are called to imitate our Lord Jesus Christ without remaining at that level of imitation by allowing him to penetrate our lives in order to “Wake up the World!”

As consecrated men and women, we are called upon to wake up ourselves first by having faith, holiness and hope. Looking at us, people expect holiness. However, we know too well that we are sinners. Hence, we need to keep on striving to be holy. Archbishop Gabriel called each one of us to find time to “bisect and digest the challenges of discerning our vocation as Christians with the help of good and educated formators in cognitive true love through sincere joy”.

Bishop Emmanuel Kofi Fianu pdfIn his presentation, Most Rev. Bishop Emmanuel Kofi Fianu recognised the fact that our diversity in the Church is very rich. “Hope is deeply rooted in our lives. (Thus), if only we live in despair, we will not be able to wake up the world. Three points are vital: encounter, communities of communion and religious creativity. God encounters us using our wounds, our brokenness, […] and our weaknesses. Still, God loves us. Consequently, loving our neighbour shows that we love God who loves us. If only we keep this spirit of loving one another as consecrated men and women, at the end of the day we will come to realize that something is really deeply rooted in our lives.” The Bishop could not understand why consecrated leaving together could start “a third world war” among them. “The mission is not theirs but belongs to Christ.”

He added to say that there are “many forms of apostolate though we are all involved in similar apostolate; education, caring for the sick and pastoral work. We are called to be in the front line of imagination and creativity in order to carry out the inspiration of our founders.” Furthermore, Bishop Fianu called each one of us “to name what we see: ignorance, if so, instead of poverty. All over the world, people are crying in silence. We have to listen attentively if we want to bring some consolation. Let us share their cry and anguish. Waking up the world is possible through our given charism.” Otherwise, if we fail, as one Sister pointed out, we may end up “defeating the purpose of our community or congregation.”

Ghana map_modifié-1We had a good time in Kumasi. I kept one question: How can we then make ourselves visible in our places of apostolate? Our interaction and sharing with other Religious Congregations gave us eagerness to continue our ministry. We are not alone carrying out the mission of Jesus Christ.

We ended our celebration with the Holy Mass at the Immaculate Conception Parish located in South Suntreso, Kumasi. Mass started with a candle light procession by all consecrated people presided by Most Rev. Gabriel Justice Yaw Anokye, Archbishop of Kumasi. The day ended with a common meal.

Click on the right to read the PDF file: Climaxing the Year of Consecrated Life

ICOF Program – Joy-Filled Gospel Service

ICOF logoInter-Congregational Ongoing Formation Program

Founding Congregations: · Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Spiritans) · Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers) · Missionary Sisters of Our Lady of Africa (MSOLA) · Society of African Missions (SMA)

GENERAL INFORMATION (see attached brochure) + Founding Congregation

​For Catholic priests and religious in Africa. Two months of professionally facilitated sharing of experience, skills and practical knowledge, leading to enrichment of the participants’ professional, human, pastoral, spiritual and academic lives.

Place: Marian University College (MARUCO), Bagamoyo, Tanzania. Dates: June 1st – July 31st, 2016

COURSE CONTENTS: The program covers the four areas of formation: personal renewal (human), spiritual deepening, pastoral empowering, and academic update.

The program will cover the following: · Bearing joyful witness to the gospel through my particular vocation · Challenges of faith in contemporary Africa · Dangers of various addictions · Emotional intelligence and resilience · Ethical issues in ministry (boundary issues, financial administration) · Evangelii Gaudium: the Joy of the Gospel · Exploring different ways of meditating · Gender issues · Graceful Transitions in Life · Interreligious dialogue · Introduction to pastoral counseling skills · ‘Laudato si’ · Justice, peace and Christian responsibility towards the Integrity of creation · Appreciative Discernment · Leadership and Management · Ministering in a globalised world · Retreat (8 days) on the Joy of the Gospel · Scripture and mission · Signature Strengths for mission · Trauma awareness, bereavement, stress management & inner child work.

Vision: Integrated priests and religious in Africa giving joyful gospel witness in their personal, spiritual and pastoral lives.

Mission: To provide Catholic priests and religious in Africa with opportunity, space and time for personal renewal with a view of better service of the Gospel in the concrete reality of Africa today.

Objectives: 1. Provide skills and opportunity for addressing personal challenges. 2. Provide space and time for reflecting on and integrating their lived experiences. 3. Training in pastoral skills. 4. Academic updating on Scripture, current trends in mission in the context of Africa and on the latest magisterial documents.  

Methodology: The methodology includes input sessions, one-on-one accompaniment and working with growth groups. There will be multicultural community living and team working.

Fees and scholarships: The full cost of the program is 2136 US Dollars. Candidates who will qualify for scholarships will pay only 900 US Dollars. This covers: Full board, tuition, accompaniment fees, library and Wi-Fi for internet connection.

Qualifications for applicants: · Being Catholic priest or religious · Being approximately 10 · 20 years in ministry · Those in transition from one ministry to another will find it beneficial · Being recommended by one’s superior / bishop · Having a reasonable mastery of English · Willing to be open to share oneself with others for mutual enrichment and growth. 

Application deadline: April 30, 2016

CONTACTING US: Inter-Congregational Ongoing Formation (ICOF) Program, C/o Marian University College, P.O. Box 47 Bagamoyo, Tanzania. – Tel.  Tanzania: +255 787 795 033 / 766 075 219 – Kenya: +254 727 729 146 / 731 673 305 – Uganda: +256 752 508 284 /+256 786 842 292 – Email: Founding Congregation1                Blog:

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Network Pastoral Africa – Third Meeting

Missio Meeting 2015 07b2By Romaric Bationo, M.Afr

From 6th to 9th November 2015, the 3rd annual meeting of the Network Pastoral Africa, organised and sponsored by Missio Aachen, took place at the AMECEA Pastoral Institute Gaba, in Eldoret, Kenya. The two previous meetings were held at Lumko, South Africa in 2013 and at the Centre for Social Concern and the Kungoni Centre of Culture and Art in Malawi in 2014.

At this 3rd meeting, six Pastoral Institutes from different corners of Africa were represented: the Capuchin Franciscan Research and Training Centre of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; Lux Terra Leadership Foundation of Abuja, Nigeria; Tamale Institute of Cross-Cultural Studies, Ghana; Centro de Formacao de Nazare of Beira, Mozambique, Lumen Christi Institute of Arusha, Tanzania;  and Faith and Encounter Centre, Zambia. Other delegates came from: the AMECEA Pastoral Institute, Gaba; the Pastoral Department of the Catholic University of Eastern Africa, CUEA, the Pastoral Department of the Tanzania Episcopal Conference; the Commission for Pastoral and Lay Apostolate of Kenya; and from Missio Aachen. The big absents were the Centre for Social Concern, Kungoni Centre of Culture and Art, Malawi and Wadzanai Training Centre of Harare, Zimbabwe.

For the first time FENZA participated in this meeting and I was privileged to represent it.

This year, the discussions and presentations at the meeting revolved around the core theme of the pastoral challenges and implications of Evangelii Gaudium. The three main presentations were: Evangelii Gaudium and Interreligious Dialogue in Africa, by Rev Prof. Fredrick Mvumbi; Pastoral Challenges in Kenya in Relation to Evangelii Gaudium, by Prof. Eunice Kamaara; and Evangelii Gaudium in Relation to the Church as Family of God in Africa, by Rev Dr. Jordan Nyenyembe. Then the participating pastoral institutes, FENZA included, were given the opportunity to give each a presentation on the impetus the apostolic exhortation Evangelii Gaudium has had so far on their respective work.

Besides knowing, sharing and learning from one another, the most important point of this 3rd meeting of Network Pastoral Africa, was the setup of a concrete networking among the various Pastoral Institutes. Under the facilitation of Fr. Pikiti Febian Mulenga from the AMECEA Pastoral Department, the Pastoral Institutes reached and agreed on a networking action plan that should promote and advance co-operation among them.

At the end of the meeting, the delegates decided that the next Network Pastoral Africa meeting will take place from 3rd till the 6th February 2017 in Arusha, Tanzania.  

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Conference on Ecumenism – FENZA, 5th December 2015

Conference on Ecumenism 04bIn collaboration with St. Dominic Major Seminary, FENZA organised a conference on Ecumenism on Saturday the 5th December 2015. Above 20 participants of various Catholic parishes of Lusaka together with few Seminarians listened to the presentation made by Robert Lavertu, M.Afr, on Church history using a chart which he published recently. Father Charles Mwila also made a presentation by focusing on the theological, spiritual and pastoral aspects of Ecumenism.

Group discussion helped the participants to express their views on ecumenical issues looking into initiatives already taking place in various parishes such as Palm Sunday prayer and regular meetings with various Christian denominations concentrating on common ground.

Another speaker, Father Searson, presented his work at the Apostolate of Prayer focusing on the preparation of the yearly Octave of Prayer for Unity, which will take place as usual this coming year 2016 between the 18th and the 25th January. The participants were encouraged to get involved in this week of prayer.

It is the wish of the participants to renew this workshop with more people. Romaric Bationo, M.Afr, Director of FENZA, thanked the participants and emphasised that Ecumenism is part of FENZA’s vocation. An activity such as this one must continue and enjoy the participation of greater numbers of Catholics. Patrick Mumbi, M.Afr, concluded the day with a prayer.

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Invitation to the African Traditional Medicine (ATM) conference

FENZA Logo 2Topic: Where African and conventional medicine converge, if at all they do. A Discussion of the Importance of African medicine.

Date: 31/7/2015.  Time:  9:00 AM.   

Venue: FENZA. Faith and Encounter Centre Zambia, Off Leopards Hill Road, next to Radio Yatsani

Dear Sir/Madam,

Africa Traditional Medicine (ATM) has for centuries played a very important role in the treatment of various illnesses in Zambia and Africa at large. However it has faced a number of setbacks which has made it difficult for it to be officially and internationally recognised.

You have been identified as a key stake holder in the promotion of ATM and are therefore invited to attend a conference that will seek to explain the importance of ATM and how ATM can bring economic and health benefits to Zambia.

  1. Over view of the topic, by Fr Patrick Mumbi
  2. Where African and western medicine Converge, by Dr Muyangana Chrispin & Dr Getrude Mampwe
  3. Standards for African medicine: – ZABS, by Mr Saili Kelvin
  4. Patenting of African Medicine, by PACRA Representative
  5. Enhancing trade, training in traditional medicine. Participation in the global movement. Way forward. By Dr Chabinga