Souvenir of a very special meal.

pere-jacques-hamelBy Christophe Boyer, M.Afr

End of April 2017, I was back from holidays in France where the islamo-christian dialogue has improved a lot since the martyrdom of Father Jacques Hamel during mass in a church. Of their own initiative Muslims have come to Church to show their opposition to violence and intolerance.

Toni RowlandI was wondering what could be done here in South Africa. One day I received a phone call from Toni Rowland who is in charge of the family apostolate at the South African Catholic Bishops Conference. She asked me to advise her about a Muslim invitation since I am a contact person for islamo-christian relations at the SACBC. I was lifted up by this answer to my question.

We went together to meet Ayhan Cetin the CEO of the Turquoise Harmony Institute. He told us that this year the Institute invites people motivated to inter religious dialogue to share the breaking of the fast in a Muslim family. Toni had already gone with the Institute to visit Turkey. We said it is a very good project and emailed the invitation to Catholics who might be interested. Toni went to such an iftaar and was delighted meeting such a diversity of people. So I asked Michel Meunier of Canada and George Okwii of Uganda, my two fellow priests in Edenglen if they would be interested in such an invitation. They answered without hesitations.

Then I registered on the Facebook page of the Institute and received an answer within the week with the professional assistance of Ayhan and his secretary. The 12th June at 17:30, we arrived at Sermin and Turker Isler’s flat not far from Nizamiye mosque. We were immediately warmly welcomed by them and three neighbours. I gave in an envelope the message of the Vatican for the Feast of the Sacrifice at end of the Ramadan and a small box of mint green tea. We sat with our three male hosts. The food was tasty and rich. We closed the meal with black tea.

Nizamiye mosque 2The conversation was lively: our respective lives, work, politics, soccer… One and the other went for a prayer at the end of the meal. Finally, after thanking the mistress of the house we moved at the invitation of our three male counterparts to the beautiful pastry parlour of the mosque. On the way we could admire the illuminated mosque in the night.

We were happily surprised to meet Uncle Ali, the builder of the mosque and the boss of the pastry who sat at table with us. There was another round of very refined Turkish delights one of them being hot ice cream…  The conversation became more spiritual. We need such table fellowship to anticipate the one at the end of the world when there will be universal love without discrimination of religion, race, gender, wealth or culture. We promised to follow up with other similar encounters even with the youth and during worship. We parted with a precious new memory in our hearts.

Souvenir of a very special meal

Link: Visit of Nizamiye mosque on Tuesday 5th July 2016.

Brother Moses Sense Simukonde, M.Afr

The Missionaries of Africa, Sector Zambia, are proud to invite you to participate at the festive celebration in honour of Brother Moses Sense Simukonde, M.Afr, who recently made his Missionary Oath in Nairobi. Let us unite in this event as our family of missionaries is once again increasing. Praise the Lord!

The event will take place in Kasama on Sunday 7, Mai 2017, in the morning, at St. Anne’s parish.

Here is the journey made so far by Brother Simukonde:


Let us celebrate together our Consecration to the Lord!

Cardinal Mazombwe Funeral 01

Sisters, Brothers and Priests are cordially invited to the Chrism Mass on 26th March, at 09:30 hrs at the Cathedral of the Child Jesus to be followed by a luncheon. Bearing in mind this year’s theme; “Consecrated Life and Integral Development”. His Grace Archbishop Telesphore George Mpundu invites you all for this celebration in appreciation of the presence and works of all Consecrated Religious men and women in the Archdiocese of Lusaka. Looking forward to your coming and participation!

 Let us celebrate together our Consecration to the Lord!


Invitation from FENZA – public conference

Marc Nsanzurwimo_2012_Bfenza-logo 02Faith and Encounter Centre Zambia invites you to a public conference on “moving from one Church to the other” this coming Saturday 20th December 2014 at 15:00hrs at Bauleni Parish.

The talk is entitled: “Changing Churches: Are your neighbors’ pastures greener?”

Speaker: Fr. Marc Nsanzurwimo, M.Afr

Venue: Bauleni, Catholic Church (Off Leopards Hill Road, near to Radio Yatsani)

Time: 15:00hrs – 17:30hrs

We hope to see you. Thanks!

 Fr. Romaric Bationo, M.Afr

Greetings to you all from Ouagadougou and happy Immaculate Conception feast.

Jean_Baptiste_TodjroOur salvation has been written by Jesus and there is no doubt that in order to see the face of Jesus. We must turn to the one who said “yes” to receive God in her womb, his Mother. In our daily life, it is to her we look to heal our diseases, to turn our tears into prayer. To her, we offer our suffering and concern for the salvation of souls, our loneliness so that it becomes contemplation, and our fears to turn into hope, our joy that it fills the world with peace and our peace to witness to the kingdom among those we are sent to. May Mary continue praying for all of us.

As we remember the feast of the Immaculate Conception I wish you, your families, your friends, and your loved ones a Happy and Lovely Feast.

Jean-Baptiste Todjro