The role of women in evangelisation and sustainable development in Kasamba, Zambia.

Benjamin Itungabose

By Benjamin Itungabose, M.Afr

We had a gathering of all the leaders of the Catholic Women’s Organisation in Kasamba Parish two weeks ago. Were present the leaders of this lay group from each outstation. Those who came to animate the gathering were from the Diocese. The women shared about their role in the family and the Church. The main point on the Agenda was the “Seminarian Fund.” The leaders from the Diocese explained to them the aim of this Fund and the prime role that women have to feed it. Women have always been at the forefront in the education of children. Hence forming the future ministers of the Church is a responsibility of every Catholic woman. The leaders of the different outstations of our Parish were encouraged to go back to their respective Centres to sensitise all Catholic women to make their contribution. Each Catholic woman is required to pay 10 kwacha ($1). Those who participated in the gathering paid their contribution on the spot.

Besides the Seminarian Fund, the women were also given lessons on entrepreneurship. The diocesan treasurer together with the diocesan chairperson of the Catholic Women’s Organisation in Mansa Diocese taught them how to start and manage a business. Those who attended the lessons were absolutely delighted. The aim of the lessons was to encourage women to work hard in order to care for their families and the Church. At first they were worried about how to find a capital to start a business. But they were reminded that God has already given us the most valuable capital which is the land. This was a revelation which struck all the attendants. They went back home enlightened and ready to start working hard for a sustainable development of their families and the Church.

SAP Young Confreres meeting in FENZA, Zambia.

young-confreres-feb-2017-02-jpegSAP Young Confreres are meeting in FENZA, Zambia, to share their experiences as missionaries. They all have a few years of ministry and full of zeal. The participants are: Remacle Lamec Ciza from Henley-KwaMphumuza, South Africa, Frank Mbala Kalala from Sussundenga, Mozambique, Benjamin Itungabose from Kasamba, Zambia, Mathew Banseh from Lumimba, Zambia, Douglas Moumanyi Ogato from Serenje, Zambia, Lawrence Tukamushaba from Kasama, Zambia, Africano Mucunguzi from Mua, Malawi, Emmanuel Barongo from Kanengo, Malawi, Alain Christian Muhineza from Namushakende, Zambia and Jean-Bosco Nibigira from Dombe, Mozambique.

Animators: Deogratias Ngowi from Merrivale, South Africa and Justin Sebakunzi from Lua-Luo Spiritual Formation Centre, Zambia. Also on the picture: Felix Phiri, SAP Provincial.

Integrity of Creation in Kasamba, Zambia

integrity-of-creation-01blogBy Benjamin Itungabose, M.Afr

Like elsewhere the phenomenon of deforestation raises a lot of concerns in Zambia. People cut down trees for various reasons. Due to the current electricity problems in cities people use charcoal as their source of energy more than ever before. Hence burning charcoal has become the main source of income for people in rural areas. Thousands of bags of charcoal are taken to Lusaka and Copperbelt day and night. Luapula province which used to be a land of vegetation is gradually losing its identity.

As Missionaries of Africa working in Kasamba, we felt that we had to do something about this phenomenon. In view of raising awareness about the care of our environment, last year we undertook a tree planting project in our Parish. So far we have planted about 3,500 pine trees. We wish to extend this project to at least 10,000 trees in the coming years.

What is more encouraging is that the people of Kasamba are now becoming aware of the importance of planting trees. At the end of last year Caritas Mansa gave to each parish 200 seedlings of pine trees to give to their members.  Personally I was amazed to see how people literally fought over those seedlings. Because of this increasing interest in planting trees we are planning together with the Justice and Peace group of Kasamba to have a seminar about how to make nurseries in order to produce more seedlings. In this way we hope that our mission of caring for our environment will extend to the entire Parish and hopefully to the entire Diocese.


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FORETS – Donne nous nos pins quotidiens

Publié le 26 février 2017

La Zambie est, elle aussi, touchée par la déforestation. Des religieux missionnaires d’Afrique ont décidé de réagir, du côté de Kasamba. Ils témoignent de leur mobilisation sur leur site (en anglais)

« Les gens coupent les arbres pour différentes raisons. Du fait des coupures d’électricité dans les villes, les gens utilisent le charbon de bois comme source d’énergie plus que jamais. De plus, ce charbon de bois devient ainsi la principale source de revenus dans les zones rurales. Des milliers de chargements de charbon de bois sont emmenés vers Lusaka et Copperbelt, jour et nuit. Du coup, la province de Luapula qui était une terre de végétation, est en train de perdre son identité. Comme missionnaires d’Afrique travaillant à Kasamba, nous avons ressenti que nous devions faire quelque chose. Pour faire grandir la prise de conscience sur les défis de la protection de l’environnement, nous avons entrepris depuis un an un projet de reforestation dans notre paroisse. Nous avons déjà planté 3500 arbres et nous espérons arriver à 10 000 dans les années à venir. Ce qui est le plus encourageant, c’est que les gens de Kasamba commencent à comprendre notre démarche. A la fin de l’année dernière, l’association Caritas Mansa a donné 200 plants de pins à chaque paroisse, pour les distribuer à leurs membres. J’étais étonné de voir comment les gens se sont disputés pour en avoir. Nous envisageons maintenant d’organiser un colloque pour créer une pépinière pour produire davantage de plants. Nous espérons ainsi que notre soin de l’environnement sera repris pour toute la paroisse voire notre diocèse en entier. »

m-afr-logo-web-romeÉgalement disponible sur le site des Missionnaires d’Afrique à Rome :

Intégrité de la Création à Kasamba (Zambie)