New Perspectives in Mission: the Challenge for New Paradigms

FENZA logo 02held its last conference of the year on Saturday 7th December, under the theme: New Perspectives in Mission: the Challenge for New Paradigms.
Three speakers shared their understanding of Mission, in relation to the theme. Fr Lastone Robert Lupupa, SJ, currently Parish Priest at Our Heavenly Father Parish in Chelstone, spoke about how he became interested in the mass media, and how he uses them to spread the Good News in Zambia and beyond. For him, the mass and social media are a great tool to reach out to more people who thirst for the Word of God. Reverend Pastor Ezron Z. Musonda, the Principal of the Baptist Theological Seminary of Zambia, shared his experience of Evangelism prior to his teaching career. He explained that for the Baptists Bible Study Groups and the physical pastoral contact remain a fundamental way of evangelising.
As a way of synthesis, Fr. Marc Nsanzurwimo, a missiologist and member of FENZA gave an expansive academic comprehension of Mission today. He underlined the different approaches to mission that took place. He highlighted the challenges and opportunities that globalisation presents to Evangelisation. He ended his presentation by pointing out some fundamentals in evangelisation such as Justice and Peace, Reconciliation and the Care for Creation. See the PDF document.
As usual, time was given to the participants to ask questions and to react to the presentations. This prompted a good sharing of views and experiences. This conference made it clear once again, that today fast-changing world presents challenging opportunities to evangelise. Will we rise up to the challenge for new paradigms? And how? These will remain ongoing questions.
Next year, FENZA shall organise 3 conferences on pertinent issues, drawing hopefully as many even more participants.

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Conference on Mission – FENZA – 7th December

“As the Father sent me, so am I sending you” (Jn. 20:21);
“Go out to the whole world; proclaim the gospel to all creation…” (Mk. 16:15).
How do you evangelise a man, a woman or indeed a youth who rarely or never goes to church but is all the time on the Internet “facebooking”, “twittering” and “smsing”? How do you reach out to a person who belongs to another religion? Which methodology is relevant to our context of a globalised and digitalised world?
Hear more about new ways of connecting people to Jesus Christ, moving from old to new ways of mission with continuity and discontinuity.
WHERE: At Faith and Encounter Centre (FENZA) Bauleni, behind St. Mathias Catholic Church.
WHEN: Saturday 7th December 2013, From 14.00hrs to 17.00hrs
Fr. Laston Lupupa
Rev. Ezron Musonda
Fr. Marc Nsanzurwimo
We hope to see on Saturday 7th December at 14.00hrs

Here we are! 70 Years of Evangelisation and Social Concern

Regiment Parish_0001 - CopieBook Cover 01Here we are! 70 Years of Evangelisation and Social Concern – Regiment Parish (St. Charles Lwanga Catholic Church) (1939-2009)
Marc Nsanzurwimo is a member of the Society of the Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers) ordained in 1995. He was Parish Priest of Regiment Parish (2006-2009). Before that he served in Kasaba (1989-1991), Serenje (1995-2000) and Kasamba (2003) Parishes. He was Vocation Animator (2003-2005). He holds a Doctorate in Mission Theology from Urbaniana Pontifical University, Rome.
His other publications include: Facing the Challenge: Self-Sustainability for the Catholic Church in Zambia (2003); Echo of the First African Synod: New Look of the Ordained Ministry (2008); The African Participation in the Intercontinental Mission: A Gradual Awareness of a Shared Responsibility (2012); The Funeral in Zambia, with Particular Reference to the Lala People of Serenje: An Inculturation Perspective (2012).
He is currently a staff member at FENZA (Faith and Encounter Centre Zambia) in Bauleni, Lusaka.
His books can be purchase from the author. Please, leave your particulars using the space “Leave a comment” below.
Edited by Fr. Marc Nsanzurwimo, M.Afr
Foreword by Telesphore-Georges Mpundu, Archbishop of Lusaka
Printed by Mission Press, Ndola, Zambia, 121 pages, 2013.

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Other link: Doctorate studies of Marc Nsanzurwimo in Rome