Declaration of Intent of Innocent Matata Foto, Lumimba, Zambia

declaration-intent-lumimba-jan-2017By Fr. Mathew W. Banseh, M.Afr

Innocent Matata Foto renewed his Declaration of Intention to pursue his formation with the Missionaries of Africa on the Feast of the Epiphany at Our Lady of Perpetual Help parish, Lumimba. From early hours, the Holy Childhood children group was singing and practising for Mass. 60 of them brought animation in the liturgy presided by Father Brendan O’Shea together with Father Camille Konkobo, representing the Provincial Delegate of Zambia, and Father Mathew W. Banseh.

In his homily, Fr. Brendan exhorted parents to take care of their children as they are a precious gift from God. He also asked the children to be obedient and respectful towards their parents just like Jesus was. He also invited Innocent Matata Foto to remain focused in his vocation journey and allow the signs of God to lead him like the Magi did in today’s Gospel. He used the occasion to explain the meaning of the habit of the Missionaries of Africa Innocent had put on; the gandura and burnous originally from North-Africa.

The declaration was pronounced in Chichewa and signed on the altar followed by a song of praise. A gathering followed in the evening to mark this joyful event animated by various dances and sharing of stories. It is our prayer that the Lord will guide Innocent on his vocation journey.

Renewal of the Declaration of Intent of Éric Kambale, Lumimba, Zambia

Éric-Kambale-Declaration-of-Intend-March 2015By Éric Kambale, Stagiaire in Lumimba, Zambia

I renewed my declaration of Intent on the 22nd March 2015. Father Babaine Venerato, the Stage Coordinator came to receive my Declaration of Intent on behalf of the Provincial Superior of SAP (Father Christopher Chileshe).

It was also a great day of joy as the Parish welcomed Father Brendan O’Shea who has been appointed to Lumimba. Moreover, it was a good opportunity for vocation animation in our Parish. At the end of Mass, we posed for a group picture. In the evening we had a get-together sharing.

Thanks for your support and prayers.