Farewell Party for Christopher Chileshe, Emmanuel Mambwe and Robert Chipumbu

Woodlands community invited the confreres and MSOLA Sisters to say goodbye to Christopher, Emmanuel and Robert on Wednesday night the 24th August. In a simple way, a gift was offered to Christopher who is on his way to Ghana, appointed to the Formation House in Ejisu. Emmanuel and Robert are travelling tomorrow to Nigeria. We thank them for their ministry in Zambia. We are also happy with them as they are answering their call to the mission. Here are few words sent by confreres who were not physically present at the farewell party but in communion of spirit.

Some Farewell messages:

From Jean-Luc Gouiller:

Farewell Party Chris, Emmy and Robert August 2016 06Christopher, l well remember that we called you back from Ghana to come in your own country for Vocation Animation. It costed you but how could you refuse? It was a good choice for sure. Once finishing it you rushed back to Ghana. But a few years later you were remembered again and got chosen for being Assistant to the Provincial, Fr. Gotthard, for three years, starting in June 2006.  But how to flee when something important was to be put in place: the new “SAP”.  So you took back the yoke, as Provincial this time, in June 2009, for six years, with no Assistant but with good Provincial Secretaries (first Georges Lauzon and then Serge). Thank you very much Christopher.  Our best wishes for your ministry in Ghana. May God bless your work. Greetings to Bishop Richard Baawobr.            

Emmanuel, I still see you when you were enjoying your stage in the youth Centre of Kampala. I will not forget either your Ordination in Mansa. Ready to go on. Time has passed since then. Circumstances have brought you back for some years to your own country. Congratulations for taking up the Vocation work in Serenje, helping more young people to join the missionary venture. You are still young. You go to a new country, the biggest of Africa. I passed there once coming back from home leave. Nigeria is like a bee hive, full of people indeed. Our best wishes. United in the Lord.                     

Robert, you are ready to leave Lusaka and Zambia for a new experience, this time in Nigeria, like Emmanuel. We wish you God’s blessings. We often hear about Nigeria, a bustling country.  We wish you to witness that in spite of our differences, including in religion, we can live together.

From Dave Cullen:

It would be a great joy for me to be with you but it would need a miracle of healing to arrange that. I’m due to meet the consultant on September 2nd about what needs to be done to my fractured leg. Give my very best wishes to all those departing. My prayers and best wishes are with them all. May they find a very fulfilling apostolate where they will be and they will surely be good news for those in their care.

From Piet van Heijst:

Dear Christopher, Emmanuel and Robert, may you travel well and may the Lord bless you in starting again a new period in your lives by going back to your respective missions. Thanks for everything you have been to so many of us when here in Zambia. Remaining united.

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Renewal of the Declaration of Intent of Éric Kambale, Lumimba, Zambia

Éric-Kambale-Declaration-of-Intend-March 2015By Éric Kambale, Stagiaire in Lumimba, Zambia

I renewed my declaration of Intent on the 22nd March 2015. Father Babaine Venerato, the Stage Coordinator came to receive my Declaration of Intent on behalf of the Provincial Superior of SAP (Father Christopher Chileshe).

It was also a great day of joy as the Parish welcomed Father Brendan O’Shea who has been appointed to Lumimba. Moreover, it was a good opportunity for vocation animation in our Parish. At the end of Mass, we posed for a group picture. In the evening we had a get-together sharing.

Thanks for your support and prayers.